Screenwriting : Memorable rescue/escape scenes? by Alex Lang

Alex Lang

Memorable rescue/escape scenes?

Hi everyone!

What are your favorite rescue scenes?

What are your favorite escape scenes?

I'm writing a feature script where the characters need to escape/be rescued from Hell and I'm looking for inspiration.



Emily J

Heist movies like Ocean's 11/Italian Job/Entrapment or isolated locations like Die Hard, I think, are great for this. The show 'Leverage' had some kind of rescue or escape every week - I don't know how much this would help with a project set in hell but I hope so!

Anthony A Miller

The rescue scene with the helicopter in The Matrix is very memorable. Not sure how you can incorporate a helicopter rescue from Hell but I'm sure it could be done.

David Mailman

Das Boot, Cat Ballou, Shawshank Redemption, The Truman Show, Serenity, Silence of the Lambs, District Nine, Alien/s.

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