Here's my goals for Stage 32's November Write Club:
1. Finish a Holiday Horror feature script that I already outlined (a script draft that's in shape to get feedback on)
2. Outline and write a Horror/Comedy short script called Ghost Roach
3. Outline a Horror/Action/Zombie feature script
I already reached goal #2.
The challenges for week one of NWC are in today's blog. Complete the challenges to be entered to win a FREE Stage 32 Webinar or Pitch Session! www.stage32.com/blog/november-write-club-week-1-solo-vs-collaborative-wr...
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Hi Maurice, Is that part of the writers room?
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Hi, Billy Kwack. No, November Write Club is for everyone on Stage 32. Here's the announcement blog that came out a few days ago: www.stage32.com/blog/join-us-for-the-10th-annual-november-write-club-3903
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This is a great outline, Maurice Vaughan. Stealing.
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Great job for taking action! Love that poster, BTW.
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I'm calling the police, Debbie Elicksen. Haha You're welcome to use it.
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Thanks, Victoria Brooks! I picked blue so the roach would look ghostly.
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Cool poster! Love the ice blue and how the creepy long antennae (makes my skin itchy) bookends the title.
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Thanks, Joo Lee! Sorry it makes your skin itchy! :D Are you doing November Write Club?
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Yep Maurice Vaughan! I wrote Act 1 of my screenplay in October and aiming to write 30 more pages (to page 60ish) in November (I'm on page 37 as of this morning so making progress!). My second goal as a new member of Stage 32 is to catch up/take advantage of your past webcasts so trying to watch several of those each week for inspiration/motivation.
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Congratulations on the progress, Joo Lee! Cheering you on to reach your goals! I have some Stage 32 webinars to catch up on too. I might watch one this month for NWC.
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Congrats on finishing goal #2. You're fast.
Thank you, Tina Koutsounanou!
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Maurice Vaughan here’s to reaching your goals Maurice. I’m happy to report that only one of them makes my skin crawl!
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Haha Geoff Hall Thanks for the support!
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Doing well in NWC, Maurice! Well done on how much you have accomplished so far! I immediately thought of a drug den or house where stoners are passing around a roach clip...a GHOST ROACH! Just my wacky mind a work!
Thanks, John Mezes! The house is a homey place, and Ghost Roach has a man cave (roach cave) inside a wall.
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I'm not going to lie, Ghost Roach is an amazing title and I can't wait to hear what happens with it!
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Wow, Maurice Vaughan , you don't waster time. Four days into November and you've completed one goal! How do you accomplish so much AND manage to cheer everyone on? You are an incredible inspiration!
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Maurice Vaughan you rock! I love your creativity and how you can line up your goals. You can achieve that and I want to read your progress :)
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Thanks, Dawn Prato! Ghost Roach has gotten a lot of attention since I started posting about it on social media. And it was fun to write!
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Thank you, Martha Caprarotta. Scheduling and prioritizing. :) And I find time throughout the day to jump onto Stage 32 to comment on people's posts. Waking up early sometimes and giving up things (like watching a movie, watching a game, etc.) help me get writing and things done.
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Thanks, Sandra Isabel Correia! I appreciate you.
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Maurice Vaughan :)))))))
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Wow Maurice Vaughan - outlining and finishing a short script in one week is pretty amazing! Congratulations!!!! And "Ghost Roach" is pretty clever!
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Thanks, Leonardo Ramirez! Ghost Roach is like Joe's Apartment meets Beetlejuice. I like mashing up movies to come up with ideas.
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Love the mashing! Great idea Maurice Vaughan !
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Thanks, Leonardo Ramirez!
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Anytime Maurice Vaughan !