Screenwriting : Networking: Doors Open and Doors Close - Shall We Leave Them Ajar? by Bev Gandara

Bev Gandara

Networking: Doors Open and Doors Close - Shall We Leave Them Ajar?

Happy New Year to all: Taylor suggested I share my blog here about my early experiences as a novice screenwriter. Please stop by if you have time.

I believe there is no expiration date on one's dreams.

Tarra Kortekaas

Great insight, Bev. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Best wishes for 2022!

Frank Baruch

Very interesting and informative read! I like your section about script options and working with various executives (the good and the bad). I hope you're finding it easier to navigate through the industry with your newly formed perspective.

Jason Mirch

Thanks for sharing the blog Bev Gandara! Really inspiring and I completely agree. There is no expiration date on dreams!

Angela Cristantello

Love love LOVE this, Bev!

Larry Jamison

Oh I look forward to reading this! I'm new here and this sounds like something that will resonate with me

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the link, Bev Gandara. Happy New Year.

Usha Phadke

I am going to be bold enough to add to your wonderful blog and door analogy.

Doors and windows are all around us in the complicated maze of opportunity. The first door and window are the most challenging to unlock; others in the maze, which open and close, teach us the things we need to learn. The glass panes on the windows that do not open allow us to look within, until one day we find a window that opens out wide and momentarily allows us to enjoy the view we have dreamt about.

Ingrid Wren

I read your post yesterday and enjoyed it so much I read your others as well. Your experience resonated with me because I also come from a corporate background. And now I have the opportunity to concentrate on story telling without having to balance corporate with creative. Thank you for sharing. Cheers from the antipodes and best wishes for 2022.

Kiril Maksimoski

Some days ago a pro writer shared a thread of his yearly routine within an industry on Twitter...much appraisals from Zaozirny and alike...must read for anyone thinking they've paraded into screenwriting world today - they'll be caressed by the showrunners tomorrow...

Doors are always left unlocked...just many forget to knock before storming in...

Bev Gandara

Thank you all for your kind comments. Wishing you the best this coming year.

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