Screenwriting : Oxford Comma by Bobby Peterson

Bobby Peterson

Oxford Comma

I’m a huge fan of the Oxford comma in all my writing, so I was just curious who else runs with the OC. Wanted to see if there’s a preference consensus or if people are totally split. I know a lot of writers use non-serial, but I’ve never been able to get comfortable with it.

Philip Sedgwick

Love the Oxford comma!

Tony S.

Dropped unless the absence makes the sentence lack clarity.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Yup, love it! I use it in all my writing. ;)

Mel Barrett

oh me for sure.

Doug Nelson

Visual clarity is the goal.

Debbie Croysdale

Always use it unless deliberately want to cause a seed of doubt as to meaning or dark humour for reader.

Craig D Griffiths

I have never seen that before. Well there you go. I just assumed the comma was replacing useless “and”. Steve and Harry and Doug and Craig. Since we don’t talk that way it is Steve, Harry, Doug and Craig.

Nice bit of education.

Jim Boston

Bobby, you're darn right I use the Oxford Comma! To me, it's all about clarity.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Craig, the Oxford comma is a comma used after the penultimate item in a list of three or more items, before ‘and’ or ‘or’.” It is grammatically optional, but it helps to clarify that people, items, places, events, or concepts listed in a sentence are separate. This comes in handy to eliminate any possible confusion or misinterpretation—see the funny example above that Bobby included in his post. So the list of people in your example would be Steve, Harry, Doug, and Craig. Doug and Craig are not tied together in any way but are separate individuals. The Oxford comma simply makes that clear. ;)

Kristy Ellington

Oxford comma or bust!

Mel Barrett

Same, Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services Coordinator

Tony Germann

My proofreader/editor/wife would be very disappointed in me if I didn't use the OC. I dare not give her any more reasons to shake her head and click her red pen.

Craig D Griffiths

Barry John Terblanche I was born old. My daughter (25) looked at one of my school photos and said “you looked old at school”.

Wife laughed her head off. Till I pointed she married me.

Nicki Granata Bosch

Team OC for me as well, no matter what Vampire Weekend thinks.

Angela Cristantello


Doug Nelson

And this is a topic, or a trivia?

David E. Gates

I hate it. And I hate how some word processors seek to highlight it as an error in my writing.

Orin Ben-Shalom

Huge fan of the OC here! English isn’t my first language (I speak 3) but felt like I met a long lost friend when learning about the OC. Can’t drop it, in any of my writing:-)

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