Screenwriting : Script Reader by Michael Francis O'Donohoe

Michael Francis O'Donohoe

Script Reader

A lot of screenwriters seem to start off as script readers, and get into the business that way, but there seems to be relatively little advice as to how to become a script reader. Has anybody done it or knows how to do it?

Raymond J. Negron

Hey Michael, how many scripts have you written?

Regina Lee

There are many level of script readers, ranging from unpaid interns to Unionized studio story analysts who make 6 figures a year. Please try to give Quora a start, as your question is a very popular question on Quora. Here's one link to start. There are many others.

Regina Lee
Don Thomas

It is a great way to find out what works and what doesn't. If I had a wide opening in my weekly schedule I would give it a shot. The more time you spend honing your script reading and evaluating skills usually will save you money on the amount of reputable coverage your script will need. Might even cut it down from three to four different sources to only one or two. And that is a major difference in my book. But if you have a couple of grand lying around for coverage for each of your scripts, then more power to you and you don't need to do any script reading. I will tell you last year I had the chance to look at a script a guy had worked up who had been the main script reader for a medium sized studio. Was the best damn script I had ever had the pleasure reading. Instantly humbled me. I learned more from reading their script than I had from the many hours worth of college courses on screenwriting. I spent over a month breaking it all down. Then I started rewriting all my own scripts. In the end, that's the lesson that will serve you better than all the script reading and coverage in the world. Realize that there are writers out there that can do it much better than you can. Part of which is when you do recognize this, use it as a tool to improve. Strive to become a better writer each and every day.

Michael Francis O'Donohoe

Hi Regina, thanks for that, I'll be sure to check it out. Is it US specific, because at the moment I'm based in the UK.

Michael Francis O'Donohoe

Hi Raymond, I'm currently writing my first spec. Is it necessary to have written one or more scripts before getting into script reading? I currently work a day job in legal publishing and was looking to do something more relevant.

Regina Lee

Ah I have no information at all on UK script reading career strategy.

Rik Carter

Michael, it doesn't hurt for a reader to also be a writer with a few finished scripts. But what is more necessary to getting a job is work samples. I don't know anything about the UK job market but I suspect it isn't much different than here in the States. Learn how coverage is written and then do coverage on half a dozen scripts. Use those examples as a sample when applying for a job.

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