Screenwriting : Seeking Literary Manager by Amanda Lee

Amanda Lee

Seeking Literary Manager

Looking for a manager to help me develop my career. I have written a few screenplays. My main focus is thrillers and horror. A few dramas. Anyone can point me in the right direction?

Amazing Kacee

You are going to want to click on the link script services and start pitching to a manager best of luck

Maurice Vaughan

What Amazing Kacee said. Are you in the Stage 32 Writers' Room, Amanda Lee? There's a Vault full of webcasts such as Pitch Tanks. Sometimes there are literary managers in the Pitch Tanks. It might lead to somewhere for you.

Amazing Kacee

Cheikh Hamdane you are going to what to post on your own wall/lounge rather than high jacking someone's post in addition maybe learn how to write what you need in fewer words and something which actually makes sense. People will not email you off this platform and unless you have actually funded something before as it sounds and looks like a SCAM

Amman Mohammed

That's because it is SCAM, Kacee.

DD Myles

Scam alert!! This is not the real Cheik Hamdane!

Craig D Griffiths

We had another one last week that did the same thing. Posted the same thing in every thread.

DD Myles

Stage32 is now on the radar. Covid brought more people to the site which increase the membership exponentially and scammers have taken notice (over 800,000+ members). They will try to access the privacy of the site using bots through members' email accounts. Trying to infect the site or bombard it with DDoS attacks is the primary goal. They're testing it as we speak. All they need is a few members to give them access.

Sille Larsen

Amanda Lee Try to read this post, and maybe sign up for a webinar where you can pitch your work, or get knowledge on how to get a manager. Wish you good luck.

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