Screenwriting : The great white christmas by Mark Deuce

Mark Deuce

The great white christmas

What do you think about this one as a New Christmas Jaws Thriller?

During their dream Christmas on a Spanish galleon, a family must unite and outwit great white Christmas sharks for survival in Australia's treacherous waters.


Sydney Summers

Will have to check out!

Mark Deuce

Thank you Sydney Summers I really love the premise of this one and hopefully I get a Bite, Lol! Have a wonderful week.

Leonardo Ramirez

I love it Mark Deuce!

Maurice Vaughan

That's creative, Mark Deuce! Catchy title and tagline ("HAVE A GREAT WHITE CHRISTMAS!!!")!

Sandra Isabel Correia

I love it! amazing combination :))

Jeffrey Knepper

nice twist...i aint putting any gifts under their trees lol

Asmaa Jamil

great concept Mark.

Mark Deuce

Thank You Leonardo Ramirez

Mark Deuce

I love this one too Maurice Vaughan and glad you love it too.

Mark Deuce

Sandra Isabel Correia So glad you liked it. I can see this one being made.

Mark Deuce

Lol!!! Jeffrey Knepper Same here!

Dustin Richardson

LOL. I like the idea of a Christmas shark movie, for sure. And really funny title. Why are they "Christmas sharks?" Because they attack on Christmas? Or are they Christmas-y somehow? haha.

Mark Deuce

Same here Dustin Richardson

Mark Deuce

The family are on a Christmas Vacation when they are shipwrecked on Christmas Day Dustin Richardson Cheers, Mark

Nick Waters

hah this is great Mark Deuce !

Mark Deuce

Thank you Nick Waters

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