Screenwriting : Too Soon? by Jason Chertoff

Jason Chertoff

Too Soon?

To write a parody/spoof about United States in 2020?

Chris Todd

Not too soon. The Space Force show happened almost in real-time.

Leo Hollen Jr

Dooo it.

Cannon Rosenau

Um, I watch shows to escape reality, soooo...

Kiril Maksimoski

U guys ever been not parody-spoof? :)...On a serious side I love u guys (Americans). Your humor is closest to the Balkans so I can pretty much dig everything...even watched Jordan Peele's spoof on Macedonian/Albanian take on kebaps via Kay and Peele show...hilarious.

Long story short - it's not too soon.

Jason Chertoff

Thanks for the feedback guys. I was thinking something like this could be funny and could get the point across:

Logline: When a novel virus - spread by shoelaces and exacerbated by potassium nitrate in gunpowder - ravages the United States, scientists, political leaders, and Americans must put their political differences aside, and rely on a humanistic fourth grade teacher and his inspired pupils, to restore normalcy and save humanity.

Jason Chertoff

Hopefully the humor doesn't go above people's heads.

Synopsis: It’s 2030, a decade after a novel virus killed millions of Americans. Much like after any crisis, students are learning about the past in order to prepare for the future. Under the tutelage of fourth grade teacher Fritz Jackal an important lesson is being imparted to young minds about the downfall brought about by ignorance and the need to question authority.

Flashback to 2020, the year when the deadly SKNO virus was first discovered. It’s unprecedented contagiousness, gruesome symptomatology, and lethality initially appeared without warning, and for some time no discernible pattern could be found. Seamus Virkle, an astute, young, Harvard educated NIH intern operating out of a research facility in Jerusalem, is tasked with investigating epidemiological patterns associated with the virus. After countless hours of research, he discovers that the virus, with its vast proto-flagellum, is transmitted via shoelaces and accelerated by gunpowder.

Meanwhile, back in the United States, President Cain choosing not to believe the scientific facts and heed experts’ warnings, instead spouts slanderous rumors and openly disrespects his Nations’ experts, even when the warnings turn from dire, to horrifying. As other countries make immediate changes to curb the spread and eradicate the virus by switching to Velcro and banning guns, mass hysteria spreads throughout the US as the country is torn apart by protests, all while its death toll soars.

Fourth grade teacher, Fritz Jackal, warns his class and community as to the perils of ignoring the signs, and even though he loses his job as a result, his protests against the tyrannical government and its followers, inspire his former pupils to do the same.

Here is a story of how one opinion can make a difference, how the voice of the younger generation can overthrow the blind ignorance of generations past, and how, if left unchecked, chaos can burn through a nation like wildfire. Learn the lesson. Make the change.

Kiril Maksimoski

Jason Chertoff DO IT! Corona's biggest spoof of mankind since the Piramides being built on a "free" labor....Just one suggestion. Can POTUS be of Chinese origin?

Jason Chertoff

Haha. Love the suggestion. Happy to hear my idea to spoof this isn't seen as psychotic or anti-social to you guys. Let me know if you'd be up to read the screenplay.

Philipp Mayr

something new: write a parody of Americas radical left in form of a television sitcom

Bill Costantini

Hi Jason,

I read through your complicated and intertwining story lines. That doesn't sound like a parody or comedy anymore, and sounds more like a drama. But if you're able to write that as comedy, then more power to you.

Best fortunes in your creative endeavors, Jason, and stay safe!

Jason Chertoff

Thanks guys. Great feedback.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Nothing is off limits if you have a compelling story. I agree with Bill C, your synopsis sounds like a political drama.

Neil Hunsdale

idiocracy beat you to it lol

Michael A Cantu

Idiocracy takes place in 2505. I think this could be a companion piece--The Formative Years.

Jason Chertoff

Sorry Neil and Michael, but I'm not following.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

lol have you watched Space Force on Netflix? Go for it, Jason. Lord knows we need to laugh at ourselves!

Michael A Cantu

If you haven't seen Idiocracy, please check it out on HBOMAX...Priceless.

Jason Chertoff

I haven't seen Idiocracy, nor have I heard of it. I will check it out.

Peter Roach

I will buy you beer if you invent something more crappy than the real life crappy we have now.

Jason Chertoff

Peter R, DEAL! It's already invented.

Cheri Newman

Not too soon! I’ve actually writing a nonfictional layout on the insanity starting in 2015, culminating in 2020 and what in store for the years to follow.

Jason Chertoff

Cheri, would love to read!

Jason Chertoff

Jake, would love to read!

William Martell

I don't know if it's too soon or not, but is there an audience?

Someone mentioned Space Force earlier, and that is a very specific thing in a popular genre... and that popular genre makes me wonder if it was originally intended to satirize the proposed US Space Force or if it was a comedic idea that just happened to become topical. Either way, there's plenty of material from existing pop culture to make fun of without the topical element.

Aside from what Kaufman said about satire, I think you need to focus on a specific element of this glorious year in this glorious country or you won't end up with a story, just an episodic collection of scenes.

Though mostly what Kaufman said.

Jason Chertoff

William and Jake. Thanks for the comments. I tend to agree with you. I completed the screenplay and would be interested in hearing what you think. Thanks!

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