Morning, Y'all! So, it's happening: this weird weird year is finally coming to a close. But, in spite of our lives having been completely upturned, I look around this community we've built and can't help but marvel at what UNbelievable strides you've all made throughout 2020. Truly. And it's remarkable, and I for one feel like we should take a moment to celebrate that!
I would love to know what some of your greatest triumphs have been this year. If I had to rattle some off the top of my head, I'd say:
-writing two plays
-plowing through this screenplay (that I'm so so proud of)
-significantly improving my self-tape skills
-managing to get on a big set RIGHT before the shut down in March
-and taking myself to therapy :)
What are your biggest triumphs of the year?
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Wow, that's awesome Angela! Hope you have a fantastic 2021.
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Morning from "sunny" North Macedonia at 8 PM :))
Well, I'll go with this:
- starting my first (actual) feature spec. script (I have one as a writing sample and another one optioned, so not mine actually at the moment)
- Finding the benefits of networking all around (Stage32, a nod to you for this as well)
- managing through 2020 without single day working from home (except writing)
BW 'n 2021!
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I changed my job and dived head first back into the film industry as I've always wanted to do but didn't have the courage earlier. I've written a new script this year and finished another with my cowriter in South Africa. :)
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Thanks so much, David & you as well :)
And Kiril, that's all incredible!!! Way to go, and Happiest of Almost New Years to you!
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And Aleisha, you're amazing! Congratulations to you, what a HUGE great year!
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The Valley (getting funding, losing funding, rewrites, more funding, more rewrites).
Hostage, getting it made. Here is the concept art for the poster. We have a letter of intent from a distributor, a few more days of filming, editing and we are done. For anyone on Instagram TheHostage2021.
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Well done, Angela!
Although I had a movie I'd hoped would film this year and didn't, I have projects being considered by great producers and over at networks. Through Stage 32 I met a development executive who loved one of my screenplays, offered great notes, and then after a Skype pitch to her, she requested a pilot script, the bible and Look Book. She loved the series and took it to Netflix and now we wait.
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Craig and Kim, these are TREMENDOUS achievements and I am so beyond thrilled for each of you! Please please keep us up to date on how these projects progress :)
And Nick: EXCUSE YOU, WHAT!? SIR!!!!!!!!
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Working on a Feature holocaust project. Have some interesting contacts! Precisely, how far is it along? Much further than a few months ago, but still a very long way to go. Fighting on. In the words of Churchil: "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
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Hi Rutger Oosterhoff is that the logline I read? It was a great story.
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Angela Cristantello Thank you.,
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Hi Craig:
The screenplay is still on Script Revolution.
The logline: After an SS officer's family is accidentally sent to Treblinka, he must save them before the commandant dismantles the camp and kills all inmates.
Needs some work to get it up to par, but a good Polisch writer here pointed out the exact problems the script still has - to my relief they are all solvable. I have a good team around it. Now it is up to me to find the first money to get the project into development so the director can rewrite it and the 'main' producer (still to be found) can package it. Also focussing on the distribution right now. What makes sense and not. Working forwards and thinking backward right now.
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Bravo to all! My biggest accomplishment this year was assisting my son's transition to virtual learning while working from home ( and adopting a dog!). On the writing front, I conquered my fear of the rewrite, connected with a wonderful producer, and was the recipient of a fellowship. Looking forward to 2021 for many reasons! :)
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Yep. That’s the logline. I really like that one.
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Since March I've been able to write and edit full-time, working on two screenplays, while editing a documentary. I've completed a page-one rewrite of one screenplay while developing the outline and logline for the other. I've pitched to numerous producers on Stage 32 and received very positive coverage and a couple "considers" as well. So it has been a very productive year because of losing my job, which was an opportunity to focus on being creative. I feel more confident about my various projects and have learned some valuable lessons about not waiting for others. Wishing you all the best of health and success for the year ahead :)
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That's amazing! Congratulations to you and to everyone here! This is mine so far:
- Completed a screenwriting workshop
- Gave birth to my second baby
- Wrote a screenplay for the first time :)
I just love the positivity of this community, you guys are my inspiration. I'm learning a lot and hopefully one day, I get to be where you are now. Cheers you guys!
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Congrats Angela and everyone many impressive accomplishments! Along with lots of writing (tried to make the most of the extra home time!) I was able to:
-Direct my first film and direct/shoot a second: the first was in January and the second in July so learned how to run a covid-safe set the second time.
-Work in preproduction with an L.A. production company for my script that won the ISA's Shoot Your Short Grand Prize. Looking forward to seeing that come to life in 2021.
-Made the ISA's Top 25 Screenwriters List to Watch in 2021. Honor to be in included with so much talent and definitely an inspiration to keep writing!
-Attend virtual film festivals, webinars, and feels like I've learned so much this year.
-Join Stage 32...excited to here and see all the inspiring things people are up to!
Happy New Year...looking forward to connecting and collaborating in 2021!
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It's so wonderful to read all these positive moves that have happened in 2020. So so energising to see how much the year we all consider so blighted has actually given. Great thread Angela.
I'm pleased to say I can add to this with writing predominating my acting with a few firsts . . .
1. 2020 marked the release of The Haunting Of Margam Castle with a self contained story for me in there.
2. I took a free on line course in Fiction Writing and wrote out and performed, storyteller style, a true short ghost story that's now on my Vimeo channel with veiwers encouraging me to do more! Chuffed to pieces.
3. I took a course in song writing, even though I'd written songs for films before (inc. Cute Little Buggers titles and credits themes but this course led me to being asked to do my first ever hosted podcast for Red Door Vision because I learned how to use sound editing software too. I chose to do anecdotes from the creative industries and it's worked so well I have a second one to compile.
4. I went for many acting jobs and did many self tapes BUT the film role I got and completed in November was offered thanks to the director looking at my new acting showreel alone!
5. With an investment of new software I self edited my new showreels for ADR, Acting and Voice Overs too and they are obviously doing me proud.
6. I was chosen to play Peters in a version of the novella by Elaine Sturgess, 'Fallen Angel'. Can't wait to see the final production on that amazing new site that supports new writers with making zoom productions of their work.
7. Last but not least, as an actor I responded to a post here on Stage 32 from a writer asking 'what made an actor friendly screenplay'. My response was so well recieved Taylor asked me to write it out and it became my first ever blog post. It's now been published via the Blog tab here - 'How to Write and "Actor Friendly" Screenplay: We Don't Thump Tables, We Get Angry'. Hope you find it interesting if you take a look.
If anyone has a short anecdotal story that happened to you within the creative industries PLEASE get in touch. I would love to compile it into my Podcast. What's required is a 2mins worth story on MP3 with a self ident at the front. Thank you and big congratulations to all for everything achieved in this difficult 2020.
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I nailed a network TV "1 scene" role in December 2019, affording us a great Christmas and New Year and adding to my Demo Reel. During lockdown I wrote my first Screenplay. When things opened up over the Summer, I steeled myself to facing more technology and included my wife in the infamous Self-Tape process. I have now done over 20 of these, and she is more connected to what I do.
I booked a Theatrical lead role AND got paid Union rate for it. Sadly, it only lasted one weekend before the Winter lockdown came into force, but got reviewed favorably and was videoed and ran online for a month successfully.
Ne Demo Reel, new theatre audition pieces, the work goes on. Wow! All that looks better than I imagined for 'Plague Year'
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I've nailed a bunch of little and some moderate well paying acting gigs this year. A comic book I wrote was picked up in 2020 will be published in 2021. I finished 2 scripts, and wrote the first draft for 3 others. But I am really sad that I didn't get to shoot a short this year...
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Released a movie.
Shot a movie.
Achieved five gold stars for Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" on Dance Central VR.
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Cool, so I obviously knew that it was an enormous year for all of us, but I clearly had NO idea as to what extent! You're all incredible! Adopted dogs and published pieces and new reels and bookings and BABIES and so many firsts, not to mention so many of you broadening your skill sets, and not to mention (as Aray said) this clear theme of "not short changing yourself to fit in a box". I am beyond inspired by you, and so elated to see how you've all thrived throughout this weird* year. I'm so honored to be one of many cheerleaders here for you, and I cannot waiiiiiiiit to see what you do in the new year :)
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Angela, I managed to start five screenplays here in 2020. Three ("Golden Oldies," "The Nutcrackers," and "Pipe Up!") are currently under construction...and the two completed ones ("Bleeding Gums" and "Got Any More Bullets, Sister?") earned likes on Script Revolution.
This year, I joined Network ISA...and, as a result, I was able to submit most of the twelve scripts I've completed thus far. (No takers yet, but still...)
Now using Prewrite and ScriptHop...two sites I've found really valuable (and FUN!) in this effort to get a foot in the door.
Well, enough about me. Angela, you're incredible, too...and I wish you all the VERY BEST!
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CJ Walley - FIVE GOLD STARS!?!?! Like Wayne and Garth would say, "We're not worthy..."
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Wow, that's an incredible year, Angela! Go you! And fantastic work, all! I'm not actually sure about my accomplishments, but I'll do a receipt calculation before the end of the night and get back to you ;-)
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Biggest accomplishment in 2020; stayin' alive till it's over. In 2021 I'm looking forward to expanding my little cable show, doing more production, teaching screenwriting, teaching DSLR filmmaking and just getting back out in the sunshine. That's 'nuff for me.
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A very busy year for me. Had my screenplay CATCH THE BULLET produced, which stars Tom Skerritt, Peter Facinelli, Jay Pickett and Gattlin Griffith! Should be out soon; optioned 3 scripts, had another that started filming in November, completed 10 screenplays this year, and made the Academy Nichols Quarterfinals.
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I managed to use all the spare time 2020 gave me to network like my life depended on it. With the extra free time I completed two screenplays (1 feature and 1 pilot). For me 2021 is the year of pitching and also success!!
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Getting accepted into an MFA directing program!
congratulations all of you!
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2020 was a year of change, loss, and growth for so many. Congratulations to everyone for staying creative, and inspired!