Screenwriting : Upcomming pitch? by Elbron James Eramia

Elbron James Eramia

Upcomming pitch?

Found this article pretty useful for a pitch coming up 2 weeks with an executive producer.

49 Fixable Reasons A Screenplay Reader Passed On Your Project
49 Fixable Reasons A Screenplay Reader Passed On Your Project
A pass is not the end of the road, it's the beginning. We take a look at 49 fixable reasons a screenplay reader might have passed on your script.
Dan Guardino

Kay. The person who does the breakdown has to read the scene anyway so that wouldn't matter. It normally takes several days to do a breakdown, not an hour and a half.

Craig D Griffiths

I normally don’t click on links. I am here to discuss and see others opinions, however 49 was too tempting.

I agreed with all. Some restated different aspects of the same thing. The thing that I found most interesting was the references to things people say too never do (I am not one of these people).

Not enough description, visually, characters, locations.

People that is Castings job, that’s the directors job etc.

It’s my job till it isn’t.

Jeff Caldwell

Wow. What a strange turn. Just when you thought these threads couldn't get worse.

Phil Parker

Jeff - stay on the OP map and ignore the exit ramps to Bizzaro Land ;-)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Again, personal attacks are not appreciated here Damian Lloyd and Kay Luke. Neither is sexism and bigotry and false offensive accusations. If you cannot keep it to the thread topic nor be professional in your conduct then perhaps choose not to comment or move on. Abusive and offensive comments may be subject to deletion and may lead to your suspension from the site.

Dan Guardino

Kay. With all due respect set description and props don’t go in the slug line. The only things included in a slug line should be if it is an interior or exterior shoot, location and time of day, preferably just day or night. So not having set description and props is not a reason for a pass.

Someone doing a breakdown must read every scene because they need to know which cast members, extras, props, set dressing, sound, sound effects, stunts, costumes, music, special effects, etc. are needed to film every scene. A lot of the stuff wouldn’t even be in the screenplay itself. A screenwriter should only write the screenplay how it appears on film and a Reader should analyze a screenplay from an audience perspective since our audience will never read our screenplays to see if we formatted it correctly.However I do think formatting is important because spec screenplays are used to show people we know the business and how to write for it.

Phil Clarke

Most lenient, Beth. I'd advocate suspension. No room for such behaviour.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Well, Phil, and everyone, then please send in an official complaint via “Contact Us” found in the bottom menu bar. Each complaint is numbered and counted and weighed, and is a far more productive option. Healthy debate about a topic is always welcome on Stage 32. Always. Personal attacks are not. This is an open platform but there is also a S32 Community Code of Conduct that the vast majority of members easily practice with common courtesy and professionalism. Anyway, thank you, everyone! And my apologies, Elbron, for my disruption of the discussion. Thanks for posting and sharing the link. Best to you!

DC Harrison

Hey Elbron James Eramia, thanks for sharing this \m/

Craig D Griffiths

Beth Fox Heisinger I will be using the Contact Us. However, I do repeat the advice in other threads. IGNORE them. Don’t feed the trolls.

Craig D Griffiths

Done. Contact Us completed.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Thanks, Craig. But... how about we stop calling people "trolls," huh? Please? Just stop. It's more name-calling, is it not? Yes, not engaging with abusive behavior is often the better choice, but also report it if you see it. I keep reminding people that your experience with the site is truly up to YOU and your choices. And understand that disagreement about a subject or differences of opinion or differences of personalities is not the same as abusive and offensive behavior. It's pretty clear when behavior steps over the site's policy lines. The actual amount of abusive behavior is quite minimal. A few bad apples do not represent the community as a whole, and those bad apples often end up being suspended. We have around 600,000 members and in my 8 years on the site and years as a moderator, I can only count maybe 5-7 people who have been suspended due to their abusive and offensive behavior. Note, the more complaints and/or reports management receives about a problematic member the more it weighs on the decision to suspend that member. So, again, it is far more productive and less disruptive to the community to report than to choose to engage with an abusive person.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Again, sorry, Elbron, I'll step away from this thread and stop commenting. ;) Let's please allow it to get back to its topic, and let's please allow the Screenwriting forum to get back to screenwriting. Thanks, and best to you, everyone!

Craig D Griffiths

Sorry Beth. For me the word is the Noun version of the activity of Trolling. Describing a person engaged in this behaviour. It was not a comment on the person.

I made this comment to a member “That a knife is sharpened against stone, not ice cream”, strong opinion, debate and disagreement is a benefit to all. A well conceived argument based on facts is great.

When a person just insults people and tries to justify their stupid and insulting opinions with lies. things like “I have been writing for 30 years for Hollywood studios”. They are damaging the community and the reputation of the site.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey, Craig, this will be my last comment, so let's please move on. I'd like to stop hijacking this thread. Yes, facts and truth are what matters—of course! What is relevant and helpful—absolutely! Healthy debate—Yes! However, I do not agree with you. Not at all. If someone insults others then that poor behavior reflects poorly on that person. Period. Each member here is responsible for themselves. Stage 32 is much more than some person who chooses to insult people. Clearly. Why project such a false notion? The vast majority of our S32 community members are mutually respectful, insightful, helpful, creative, and generous. ;)

Dan Guardino

CJ. I agree. I am not sure about some of those 49 reasons why a reader would pass on a screenplay. I think the key really is how to bypass those readers.

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