Screenwriting : World-building Worksheet by Kelly Krause

Kelly Krause

World-building Worksheet

Hello, screenwriters! I wouldn't be surprised if many of us have used this, but feel it's always useful to share it nonetheless when creating our stories. The source is author Kate Messner's website, which is provided at the links below, but I've copied and pasted them as a single sheet here: Geographic Location: Time: In this society… (Write one sentence that expresses the heart of the story, the conflict as it relates to the society.) What current issue/problem is at the heart of this society? From what spark of our modern reality was this world born? How does the setting of this story impact the main character? What are the non-negotiable rules of this world? Are there any exceptions? What laws does society impose? What happens to people who break them? What rules or laws does the main character break or challenge? Why? What are the consequences? What kind of government is in place? Consider local & national levels as well as international cooperation. How does government impact citizens’ everyday lives? What official document is in place to define that government? If it is a future version of a current document (i.e.Constitution), how has it changed? What amendments have been added? What rights do people have? What rights are they denied, and why? What are this society’s most closely held values? What social ladders exist? Who has power and why? What are the tangible symbols of that power? Who is at the bottom of this society’s social ladder, and why? What kind of ethnic diversity exists? What role, if any, does religion play in this society? What are the dominant religions? What religions are marginalized? What do international/inter-group relations look like? What wars are going on? What countries or groups are fighting, and why? Which ones are allies? Which are enemies? What climate and weather patterns are prevalent? What does agriculture look like? Where do people get food? What foods are considered standard fare? What foods are delicacies, and why? SOURCES:

Dystopian World Building Worksheet: Part I
Dystopian World Building Worksheet: Part I
My revision letter and first line edits just arrived for EYE OF THE STORM, my upper-MG dystopian novel coming out with Walker/Bloomsbury in 2012. I've been dying to get back to this book, but before I…
Jean Buschmann

VERY useful, love Kate! Thanks for sharing it here, Kelly.

Bill Costantini

I had conversations with a VC guy....he's a high-brow literary type who exec-produced a few high-budget sci-fi films and a couple historical period-piece films back in the late 1990's/early 2000's...and a Q-and-A of that type was necessary with the writers in order for him to actually buy into and fund the films that he ended up funding. There are a few other "world templates" of that type....they are all very useful to writers to better understand their worlds - from low-brow to high-brow and everything in between - if they become fortunate enough to be asked those types of questions by anyone who might be interested in their stories. And it makes one understand their story in better and deeper ways, too, regardless of the genre and "brow" type - at least for me. Nice share, Kelly.

Tivoli Silas

Love this! Thanks for sharing!

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