Success Stories: JUN'23 Andy Bethea hired as Screenwriter | Untited Professional Wrestling Project

Stage 32 Job Alert

Screenwriter hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Andy Bethea, a Screenwriter from Fayetteville, North Carolina was just hired for the project titled "Untited Professional Wrestling Project". Congratulations!

Richard "RB" Botto

Congrats Andy!

Mark Vincent Kelly

If ever there were a sign that all is not right with Stage 32 the fact that 4 screenwriters are listed as hired for this project is it. :-|

Richard "RB" Botto

Interesting, Mark. Well, this is how it works. The project creator accepts applicants. He can accept as many as he or she wants. If he accepted 4 writers, I'm sure he communicated with them why. Of course, most people posting projects here select only one person for each available position. This is not a failing of our system, which I'm proud to say has led to over 20,000 positions being filled over the last 3 years, including 3 major motion pictures that played at Cannes this year, but a choice by the project manager.

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