I've been a Stage 32 member for just over 2 years. A year ago, I found a local event being hosted by this new non-profit organization called Boston Indie Mafia. They were planning on hosting a hobnob and social for local filmmakers to network and screen their latest film. Not being a very sociable person, I was hesitant on going. However, one of the hosts and founders of the organization, Joseph Bouvier, was very friendly, and I knew there wouldn't be many chances like this, so I decided to go. With butterflies in my stomach, I show up to the Arts at the Armory in Somerville not knowing what to expect and feeling totally out of my comfort zone. I find several groups of people standing around chatting as they wait for the event to begin, so I walk in scanning the crowd for the most approachable group of people, remembering that everyone is new here. After chatting with some people for a while, my nerves finally disappear and the rest of the night is a breeze. Several films are screened, followed by some Q&A by the directors of each film, followed by more social chit chat and the obligatory exchange of business cards. In short, the event was a success. Several months later, I am delighted to find that Boston Indie Mafia will be hosting their first film project, known as the Wicked Film Challenge. I decide to sign up, and within a few weeks I am invited by one of the team's directors to score their short film. Never having participated in a full scale film project before and having only scored 2 short films, I am feeling nervous once again, but agree and attend the kickoff event. Once there, I meet my director and teams are given a prop, line of dialogue, and character to use in their film. After going over the guidelines for the project, we leave and begin to prepare our films. Once post-production begins on my film, I'm given the first rough cut and begin to brainstorm some musical themes for the film. It's a lengthy process, getting my cues approved and aligned properly so the timing and hit points are in the right spots. Once I'm finished, the title and credits are added and our film is submitted. Finally comes the premiere. I have been pushing friends and family to come for weeks leading up to the event, both through email and social media. I have never been more excited! I show up with my dad and aunt, meet the rest of the team and mingle a bit. Then the screening begins and I notice my film is first. The heart starts pounding and butterflies fill my stomach. "Will they like it?" I ask. Despite a short glitch at the start, the rest of the film goes on without a hitch. The timing is perfect and all the hit points are spot on. I can hear people laughing at the jokes and as the film ends, I breathe a sigh of relief as the audience erupts in applause. 9 other films would follow, each with their own music, making me question whether mine was good enough to win. After the films comes my next favorite part: the awards! As the envelopes are torn open and the names read, my heart starts beating faster and faster. Finally, they announce the award for Outstanding Original Score. "And the award goes to... Ian Hudson!" I can't believe it. They called MY name! I walk up to the stage not knowing what to say, thinking at any moment I'm going to wake up from this incredible dream. After I get back to my seat, my dad and aunt congratulate me. After the event, the paparazzi swarm in and take a gazillion pictures of everyone and I'm on top of the world. I can't help but soak it all in. Two years ago I joined Stage 32, not really knowing anything about it or what to expect. Who knew that two years later I would be walking to the front of the stage at a film festival, accepting an award for Outstanding Original Score? It's surreal. And I owe it all to Stage 32. Thank you RB, Derrick Ontiveros, Joseph Bouvier and everyone else who made this site possible, giving people like me the chance to live my life-long dreams! Ian P.S. If you want to check out the event, please visit http://www.bostonindiemafia.org/blog/
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