Talk about apples (sound bite) episode 4 | Lacye A Brown

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Lacye A Brown

Talk About Apples (Sound Bite) Episode 4

Thankfully Dr. Apples was able to leave Eugene's home but not before nearly ingesting the grotesque and disgusting "dessert" they had prepared for him. He relayed everything to his mother in a near panic. Upon hearing everything (well, almost everything) his mother decided to not push him to socialize any more. Dr. Apples knew that what the "Simples" thought and did couldn't be all there is to all of existence but he needed more proof. His mother still made him go to school which he viewed as an opportunity to prove his judgments right. One day the teacher wanted everyone to bring in something special to them and show it to the class. What could Dr. Apples possibly have to show the other kids to help them understand him more?

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