Yathakatha festival teaser.mp4 | Charru Sharma

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Charru Sharma

YathaKatha Festival Teaser.mp4

Join us the festival by sending your films and literature work via the links given below or call, WhatsApp or email and be a part of the marvellous world of films and stories. FILMFREEWAY- https://filmfreeway.com/YathaKathaInternationalFilmandLiteratureFestival FESTHOME - https://filmmakers.festhome.com/festival/ykiflf For Literature work submission https://www.yathakatha.com/literature-awards/ WhatsApp Or Call - + 91 9082050680 / + 91 7738350680 Email - yathakathafestival@gmail.com Website - https://www.yathakatha.com

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