In the scene from Morphin Origins: Darkness of The Sword. We see Cyclopsis in a zord hanger in Master Vile's Palace on Gamma Vile. We see Goldar step in, and pilot him as Tenga's swoop down, and fly him off to Earth. On Eltar we see Zordon walking around wondering what Rita's next move is. He hears a sound in the bushes its Tensou. As Zordon begins to look at this machine Gosei teleports in explaining about Tensou. Zordon ask's if he's been working on anything else. Thats when he introduces his other creation Robo Knight. As Robo Knight explains about himself he sense Cyclopsis land on Earth. He then teleports away to deal with Cycopsis. He morphs into his Megazord mode, and at first seems to be winning. Goldar in Cyclopsis begins to get the upper hand as he laser beams, and blasts Robo Knight. He loses baddly. Gosei runs to his aid to repair him as best he can. Be sure LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more!