Introduce Yourself : My new showreel! Got some pointers for me? by Marleen Mathews

My new showreel! Got some pointers for me?

Hellooo everyone!! Hope you all are well? I just finished my latest showreel and I wanted to see what you guys think of it? Maybe leave some pointers/tips/tricks! Anything is welcome! I will use for the next version of my showreel! Thank you so much! Have a great day! Cheers, Marleen

Kat Lynne

You brought out each character well to the audience. Best of luck.

Joseph Miuccio

Wonderful acting. Truly. Also you are very beautiful as well. Getting a legit agent is tough, but I would offer a few comments on where to start. I apologize if I may be repeating what people have already said in the stream... or if you already know a few of the things I will recommend. Of course, you should live on I would recommend some improv classes. Specifically my friend TJ. I recommend these things because it is good exposure and great for meeting people. Most people doing these are also acting and working on plays. Its all who you know, so build up a big list of people. You never know what will happen. My wife was in a duo... and eventually left... she was replaced by another woman... and both of those women have a successful TV show together now. Ive also known people who have auditioned for saturday night live, and that has opened doors for some, even though they did not get the job. Another way into the game is going the commercial route. Get an voice agent by making a vo reel....I say this because it is the path of least resistance. then you get an "in" and the other on camera agents get to see you and your chops when you do a show Always be doing shows. They will certainly sign you for on camera, because I think you are that talented and the camera loves you. Sorry, but that has a lot to do with it too. Upright Citizens Brigade is another avenue as well. Also, there are other classes that pop up from time to time here int he city where big casting directors are there on panels. They watch you do a monologue and give feedback and advice. This is a must to do. I know many actors here in the city that have landed roles on Law and Order and bit parts in movies by constantly going to these things and meeting this big casting directors. If you have any questions or need any anything feel free to reach out. Again, if I have rambled on, and my advice was already given by someone else, please disregard. Im an audio guy, so I dont know everything... just what I have learned from being in the business for 25 years and being married to a successful actress for 14 years. Im sure there are lots of other people on stage32 that know more than me. OH, and I dont even know where you live, as I did not scope out your profile.... so that has a big effect on my advice. In any event, good luck!!!

Debbie Elicksen

I really like your acting. Congrats on getting this first one out.

Mark Chapman

Very good, only suggestion is get rid of the piece where you are crying as it looks like you have used a tear stick! Acting excellent. Have a try with the top agents. Agents are like the football league. The premiership hold most of the best parts. They will let a company have a named actor if they can cast most of the other good parts too! So if you sign with a 2nd division agent you can get some small parts and hope to work up to Morris or ICA etc!!! Best wishes with it, hope you do well. Mark

Andrew Man

Excellent emotional work-you have portrayed most of the negative emotional traits - anger, fear, hate, hatred, digust etc, but why not do some more positive enotions next- amazement, desire, eagerness, happiness etc. I'm a writer and have to handle characters in every emotion for a script :)

Michael Borlace

I like it. You had a nice range of emotions in your clips. Speaking different languages is one of those special skills that help you stand out from others. I did find your agents logo and contact info at the end of the demo was on screen for a very short time and hard to read in the Youtube viewer.

Keith Blackwell


Bryan Manley Davis

Can someone tell me how to embed a video in a post? Can't figure it out!

Bryan Manley Davis

Hey Maisha, That works to add a link, but I'm trying to figure out how to have the actual video in the post like Marleen did. Can anyone explain how to do this?

Nicole Fairbrother

Really strong work. I would suggest starting with the crying scene first and following that up with either the Robin Hood or the scene about the taking of your child (even though those are in different languages they are your strongest pieces) and following it with the piece where you are being slapped. I have worked as a casting director before and have many friends that are CDs and agents and they have very limited time to watch your reel. Always, always start with your strongest material. Chances are casting won't watch your reel till the end so make each second count. And no, DON'T get rid of that crying scene. It did not look like you were using a tear stick. I could feel the emotion in you. It was real and raw. Amazing job. I would cast you!

Zave Nathan

Brilliant you need a top agent

Bryan Manley Davis

@Maisha - Thanks for posting that, very helpful for computer idiots such as myself. @Marleen - First off, I think your reel shows that you are a very good well done! I'm going to say two things that others may disagree with, so take it or leave it, but I think it's always helpful to hear several viewpoints. These actually aren't my opinions, but things I've heard from numerous casting directors here in New York. I realize you are from the Netherlands, so the opinion may be different there...keep that in mind. I would cut the monologue. I've been told by several casting directors to never put self-taped monologues on your matter how well acted it is or how well it's produced (your's is both of those by the way). The thought behind that is that subconsciously it tells the viewer that you don't have enough credits to put together a full reel, so you have to pad it with a self produced monologue. It's clear from the rest of your reel that you have more then enough footage from films for your why risk putting that thought in their heads. Also, you show similar colors in other scenes, so I don't think it's necessary. Don't get me wrong...I think it's fantastic acting wise, but I think it's unnecessary in terms of selling yourself professionally in your reel. Second, I've been told over and over to try to keep reels around the 2 minute mark. Again, some people will disagree, but that seems to be what most casting directors are saying and looking for. If you cut the monologue, you'd be a lot closer to that 2 minute mark. All that being said, I think it's a fantastic reel that shows you have range, versatility, and are a very honest and truthful actor. Very impressed by your work.

Tony Boland

Personally, as a director, I think you should start the reel with the last scene in it. The first scene is not a powerful opening. You may only get that one scene with a director or casting director, so make it good. The second close-up scene is also very good, but maybe you can end with that one. And if you're looking to get work in America, have at least one scene with an American accent. You're a very good actress. I hope to see you on the big screen soon.

Doug Nelson

Overall, excellent. Unfortunately (for me), you’re on the other side of the globe. My only advice is for the director – bring you in a little tighter on the two shots and cheat a little so that we see your eyes (soul.)

Mark Chapman

Excellent reels should never be more than 2 minutes!

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