Screenwriting : Lastest article on breaking through as a screenwriter now up... by Anthony Cawood

Anthony Cawood

Lastest article on breaking through as a screenwriter now up...

My 5th article for SimplyScripts is now online at Subject this time is competitions. Previous articles can be seen at Anthony

CJ Walley

I thought this was really good, it really wraps up everything a screenwriter needs to know about competitions.

Richard Toscan

A savvy take on the screenwriting competition business.

Anthony Cawood

@CJ and Richard, thanks guys, glad you liked.

Phil Parker

Yes, nice wrap up, Anthony. I feel like you listed most of the lessons I've learned. :-) You mentioned developing a strategy. This is very important but often comes to people in hindsight, I bet. Each to his own, but my two cents worth? -- submit to middle-tier comps that offer feedback, use that feedback (and from your other sources) to revise, see how you do in those comps THEN submit to the major comps the following year. It's a tough strategy to follow, and only part of an overall one, but that's what I'm doing. We'll see if it pays off ;-) Thanks again, Anthony. Great job!

Anthony Cawood

Thanks Philip and I think that's a great strategy, one that's served you well I think, definitely be considering that as I now move into feature comps and the like... any specifc mid tiers you'd recommend?

Shawn Speake

Thank you, Anthony! Always a pleasure to hear your thoughts! I passed it along on twitter!

Anthony Cawood

Many thanks Shawn - and thanks for the tweet!

Shawn Speake

Many thanks for taking your valuable time to help me with KINGSTOWN AND THE DEAD ONES, Anthony. Your coverage and story notes have made me a better writer. I'm excited for you to see the new contest versions of both stories. They would not be where they are today without you. Thanks again, my friend!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Great article, Anthony! Extremely insightful and helpful. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

Anthony Cawood

Pleasure as always

Helena Ellison

Good read :)

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