In order to make it as a screenwriter, it takes years of hard work, and patience. Check out how I made it -- by never giving up.
In order to make it as a screenwriter, it takes years of hard work, and patience. Check out how I made it -- by never giving up.
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Very inspiring! Thanks for posting this.
gratz, keep go getting it
I loved this! Thanks for sharing your journey!
Carole, That is such a great story of your professional achievements. You are a super-stud and thanks for sharing. I hope that article becomes required reading not only in film schools, but in sales classes as well. You shared more transformative, insightful and inspiring thoughts than in any single article I've ever read, and I've read a lot. A few side notes: 1. The Winston Churchill quote "SUCCESS IS THE ABILITY TO GO FROM FAILURE TO FAILURE WITHOUT LOSING YOUR ENTHUSIASM" is a mainstay in every sales environment I've ever been in, and I've been in quite a few of them. 2. Your article should be an eye-opener to people who really don't understand or haven't experienced the many different levels of work that it takes to EVOLVE as a writer; GAIN insights and motivations from every step up the ladder: and to EMBRACE and UTILIZE failures as learning tools and opportunity-creators. 3. If anyone didn't understand how important it is to be persistent, dedicated and committed to not only writing, but to creating success for themselves, you should now. Great job again, Carole - I bet you are one happy writer these days!
Always enjoy pieces like this. Makes moving forward with a smile easier.
From one Parker to another, thank you! Very inspiring. I think I'll re-read that once a month... or week ;-) Wishing you continued success and a fire-free future (gulp!). Phil
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@ Phil -- Nice to hear from my long-lost would-be brother. Thanks for the kudos. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. And yes, I don't burn candles at night anymore. Yikes
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@Bill -- What's funny is for more than a few years I was starting to feel like a failure, but the Winston Churchill quote reminded me that's bullsh*t. Ha. I'm quite happy these days. Am about to start a new gig for really good dough with great people on a film that is definitely getting made, and it doesn't get much better than that.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Carol for sharing your story of perseverance.
Thanks so much, Jorg!
Admire your attitude...
Thanks, Heike!
Great article Carole. Thank you for sharing. Do you think your geographic location was a big factor in networking? Many of us do not live in L.A. or have the means TO move to L.A. Do you think there is a chance for writers or other filmmakers to keep working as you did and do without living in L.A.?
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There is always a chance. There are films made everywhere these days. Networking is easier in L.A. or NYC but use the on line tools and local market to your advantage. Also attend film festivals and other events, it helps.
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I bumped this post up from the summer because it's the best writing I've read all year. Congrats again, Ms. P!
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Thanks so much, Bill. Am looking forward to more successes in the coming year. I hope yours is happy, healthy and prosperous. - Carole