This video is an incredible argument for Structure, Character, and how they are delivered hand-in-hand. Per Michael Arndt: "I’m not saying that all stories need to start this way, but if you’re writing a script and you’re having a hard time getting started, I hope these ideas or helpful.” If you liked it, Google all of Michael Arndt's talks.
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Thanks for sharing this, Regina. Michael Arndt is one of my favorite writers. ;)
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@Beth, did you hear his Creative Screenwriting Magazine podcast on TS3? If not, do you want me to email you a "YouSendIt" link for download?
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This is a great link Regina, thanks!
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Great read!
Regina, got it! Thank you so much! I've been at a soccer tournament all weekend and away from my computer. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to listening to the podcast. :)
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What great advice. I loved it! Thank you.
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This was so helpful Regina! Thank you so much!
I loved this; thanks for sharing. Not sure if I agree 100% with everything he says (particularly the "insult to injury" part, b/c that's what frustrates me about A LOT of mainstream movies written with this model, is that the good guy, no matter how flawed, somehow manages to be a magnet for being dumped upon). Nonetheless, it's good food for thought when writing a solid beginning to a script.
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As Michael Arndt said, it's not universal. It's his interpretation of predecessors that has helped him with his process.
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I thoroughly enjoyed this. I loved the simplicity of Ardnt's description of the process and then immediately showing the examples. Thank you for sharing, Regina!