Screenwriting : What Oscar-winning writer Michael Arndt Learned at Pixar by Regina Lee

Regina Lee

What Oscar-winning writer Michael Arndt Learned at Pixar

This video is an incredible argument for Structure, Character, and how they are delivered hand-in-hand. Per Michael Arndt: "I’m not saying that all stories need to start this way, but if you’re writing a script and you’re having a hard time getting started, I hope these ideas or helpful.” If you liked it, Google all of Michael Arndt's talks.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Thanks for sharing this, Regina. Michael Arndt is one of my favorite writers. ;)

Regina Lee

@Beth, did you hear his Creative Screenwriting Magazine podcast on TS3? If not, do you want me to email you a "YouSendIt" link for download?

Philip Onions

This is a great link Regina, thanks!

Eric Kinloch

Great read!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Regina, got it! Thank you so much! I've been at a soccer tournament all weekend and away from my computer. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to listening to the podcast. :)

Linda Scarlett

What great advice. I loved it! Thank you.

Dawn Murrell

This was so helpful Regina! Thank you so much!

Michelle J Kenoyer

I loved this; thanks for sharing. Not sure if I agree 100% with everything he says (particularly the "insult to injury" part, b/c that's what frustrates me about A LOT of mainstream movies written with this model, is that the good guy, no matter how flawed, somehow manages to be a magnet for being dumped upon). Nonetheless, it's good food for thought when writing a solid beginning to a script.

Regina Lee

As Michael Arndt said, it's not universal. It's his interpretation of predecessors that has helped him with his process.

T. Chambers

I thoroughly enjoyed this. I loved the simplicity of Ardnt's description of the process and then immediately showing the examples. Thank you for sharing, Regina!

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