Introduce Yourself : My name is Victor Peceño by Victor Peceno

My name is Victor Peceño

I am an Independent Film Director from Canary Islands, Spain..., ready to networking with all the stage 32 members and hopefully to find the way to make some good projects together... All the best!!

Mark W. McIntire

Hello Victor. Welcome to the community.

Victor Peceno

Thank you very much Mark!

Victor Peceno

Thanks Aray!!

Conrad Ekeke

Welcome victor ;)

Brad Christensen

Welcome to Stage 32. :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Terrific to have you here, Victor! Look forward to seeing you around the community!

Victor Peceno

Thank you so much Richard!!

Richard "RB" Botto

My pleasure, my friend.

Jorge J Prieto

Welcome, Victor, hermano! I second, our fearless leader, RB, hope to hear more from you in the lounges, they are always insightful, educational and fun.

Victor Peceno

Thank you very much to all, I will be around here learning and sharing with all of you :)

Victor Peceno

Thanks Jeff! sounds good, will be great to take a look

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