Screenwriting : I'm changing my approach by Travis Sharp

Travis Sharp

I'm changing my approach

For a long while now I've been trying to get people who matter to like my work. It's been a challenge. Then I was thinking (and drinking wine) and I realized how my mom and my sister really like my writing. SO NOW, my goal is to get executives to value the opinion of my mom and my sister. BRILLIANT!!!! and I'm back to drinking wine. Happy writing all.

Travis Sharp

who's with me?

Pierre Langenegger

It's your mom and sister's job to like your writing, not the executive's.

Aaron Majewski


Craig D Griffiths

As stupid as it sounds it is a solid business strategy. Identify a market segment and satisfy their needs perfectly. The failing I see is that the market segment is too small to entice an executive to fund production. Like I said. Valid strategy.

Dan Guardino

If either your mom and your sister become successful producers you got it made.

Kerri Philpott

I think, once you're sure you've please your family, you can take the next step and demonstrate how their opinion mirrors a large audience's, then you're closer.

Patricia Poulos

WOW!! Don't know if you Believe, but, mums and sisters are the most important people there are!... The rest will follow.

William Martell

If you can get your mom and sister to become studio heads of production - instant win!

Rutger Oosterhoff

Family is the most important thing in the world. So when my family tells me they love my work, I know for sure it...

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Travis: You're lucky. No one in my family reads anything I write anymore.

Patricia Poulos

Travis, Just a follow-up on this. My mom is the listener to all my rantings which have resulted in 4 non-fiction books, a series of magazines, five feature scripts, a number of poems and short stories. She keeps me balanced..."Don't think [ordinary] people will understand that". Or, "It's too long." She is my best friend, my mentor. She is now 94 years old and still vets my work. I believe it keeps her astute.

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