Introduce Yourself : director | producer of a documentary about WWII Japanese war brides by Yayoi Winfrey

Yayoi Winfrey

director | producer of a documentary about WWII Japanese war brides

aloha from Honolulu. we're currently in post on a documentary about WWII Japanese war brides. we've filmed 13 individuals/families in 3 states and now i’m editing. if you’re on O’ahu, or even if you’re not, and you’d like to be involved please contact me. our website is: we have quite a few trailers, but the one below is just a quick behind-the-scenes peek. mahalo nui loa!

'War Brides of Japan, a docu*memory' film series. | war brides of japan
'War Brides of Japan, a docu*memory' film series. | war brides of japan
Discover the remarkable stories of brave Japanese war brides who married their former enemies--American military men--during the post-WWII Occupation of Japan.
Ally Shina

Aloha Yayoi!

Rutger Oosterhoff

Interesting theme.

Tony Ginn

Many Japanese Women married Black Soldiers. Are such Actor categories in the content of your project? Also, with the Volcano eruptions are you impacted?

Yayoi Winfrey

aloha, Tony. my film is a documentary and i've included families with black, white and Latino military fathers/husbands. see so far, we have not been impacted by Kilauea. she's 200 miles west of us, we're on O'ahu; although they're now warning about laze which is lava haze and can be deadly. we get a lot of tropical breezes so we'll see. thank you for asking!

Tony Ginn

Fujio, English please!

Yayoi Winfrey

according to BING TRANSLATOR:

>>The eruption of Kirauela was very hard.

I'm glad you're safe.

What happened to the story of my script? We look forward to hearing from you.<<

Fujio-san, konnichi-wa! thank you for your concern. as for your script, you and Anna are supposed to be negotiating the next steps. as you know, she is a native Japanese speaker so it's much easier for you to communicate with her and have her pass your messages in English to me. i have known Anna for 15 years, so i trust her 100%. since i'm still editing my film, i have no time to take on new projects. but i will have my film in theaters and online no later than mid-July. ja, mata ne.

and Tony, i sent you a message. i think you knew my sister in Tacoma.

Tony Ginn

Did not receive your message! What is her name? Did she go to high school in Tacoma or attend a University in Washington State, Where did she or does she work and is she still in Tacoma and what is her maiden and married name? What agencies or organizations is she affiliated with? I went to Central Washington University with Valerie Chung, educator, who married one of my teammates, Jim Kardash who was from Canada and to my last knowledge still lives in Hawaii!

Yayoi Winfrey

Tony: where you're currently writing is on my WALL which is public and available for anyone to read. i don't know why you didn't get my message, but i will send you another to your InBox.

Tony Ginn

Not necessary, connect with me on and we can communicate that way! I know exactly where you are coming from, as anyone can read what we write on this platform!

Fujio Torikai

Dear Yayoi Winfley Would you like to read my Book(Noise electron attacks)?

Yayoi Winfrey

i don't have time right now. maybe this fall?

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg


Matthew Parvin

Nice to meet you, Yayoi! This looks awesome. Glad you're bringing this to the public.

Yayoi Winfrey

arrigatou, Matthew. we finally released what became 5 short films in 2019. following a run on Vimeo, they're currently housed on Gumroad. i appreciate your encouragement and interest!

Yayoi Winfrey

mahalo, Shadow. thank you for your interest. you’ve worked on some pretty amazing projects yourself! aloha.

Leonor LeRu

Nice to know Yayoi! We are on the same boat. It is very interesting the places I lived, Hawaii but not in Oahu, in Maui, Elk Grove, and San Francisco. What a coincidence. I am also on the production stage of my WW11 Documentary film of my mother but I set it aside to do my very first Written Screenplay The Music Box. Wish you all the best! on your exciting documentary film .

Michael David

Cool documentary - love the idea!

Yayoi Winfrey

Leonor, let's talk! message me when you have time. aloha nui loa.

Yayoi Winfrey

thank you, Michael. congrats on selling a script!

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