What's up, everyone? I've watched Martin Scorsese's mob epic "The Irishman" twice, and I'm enthralled--partially because I'm absolutely infatuated by anything related to the mafia and Scorsese is my movie idol, but mainly because it's SO GOOD!
I was wondering if anybody out there knows where I can find the script. I found a version of the script online, but it appears to be from 2009. I also found a growing list of readable scripts for some upcoming Oscar contenders on a few sites, but I noticed "The Irishman" hasn't appeared yet.
Does anyone know if the current script that made its way to Netflix has surfaced? I'd love to check it out.
Thanks in advance!
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I too loved "The Irishman". But at 3.5 hours it was way too long - with some scenes lasting forever. I though that De Niro and Pesci were way too old for the parts they played at the beginning. All the make up on the world couldn't help them. For some reason, Pacino, the oldest of the three, looked the most natural in his role - and played it brilliantly! Would I watch another one of these - absolutely! But I'm getting tired of Hollywood playing very old men next to very young women. It's time to start using younger actors and let the old timers retire.
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Hi Trey,
Yeah, the only version online that I am aware of is the 2009 version, on Scribd. And you're also right about IndieFilmHustle having a lot of the most current scripts, but, alas, no The Irishman. Maybe a four-leaf clover will help find a more current version or production script version of The Irishman.
Best fortunes in your creative endeavors, Trey.
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Interestingly the reason I feel Martin Scorsese “Nails” mafia stories so well is because he grew up in the time and place most of it went on. He originally wanted to be a priest and did a lot of study to be one (he sees the light coming through the Basilica St Patricks window as akin to cinematography light in the way it depicts life.) He grew up in “Bowery” of Sicilian America and felt both the Church and later cinema were a personal calling.
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Enjoy the read Trey.
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Happy Holidays, everyone!
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Not to sidetrack things, but I find it interesting that Shawn Speake and Dan MaxXx were arrested as juveniles while driving a stolen bread truck on the day that Jimmy Hoffa disappeared. In the back of the bread truck were two shovels, a pick-axe, a dirty portable cement mixer, and a book titled "How to Avoid Bears While Digging a Deep Hole in the Woods."
And where were they arrested? 2 miles from the Red Fox restaurant, where Mr. Hoffa was supposed to meet with Anthony Provenzano and Anthony Giacalone,
Was that just a common case of youth in revolt, doing the old joy-ride-in-a-stolen-truck thing? Or something else? Only two people...and probably more....know the real answer to that one.
Best fortunes in your creative endeavors, all!
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Although I am not certain where a copy of the Script may be for "The Irishman", I do know that it was not until after I read some buzz about the film online that I realized it was actually so long.
When I watched it, it was more for me about enjoying seeing the cast members play characters who were involved in nefarious and lawless activities as they have done in other works.
I also watched it with an eye towards Mr. Scorsese's Directorial choices. And tried to deconstruct it according to how I may have written the Script.
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@Bill The bread van caper with Dan and Shawn sounds too Cool to be true heh heh heh! (Shoot me in the foot if it really happened and I will write a pulp). Going back to Martin Scorsese Robert de Niro actually grew up in area Mean Streets was filmed in and in Good Fellas diners from a local restaurant who were not actors were cast in film. One of Martin’s quotes . “All of life is cinematic, it depends on how you perceive it.” Some of his best work is not just gang related history, I think his dark Neo noir Shutter Island is one of his best films. He says the psychotic and imaginary world Leo De Caprio lives in, reminds him of dark noirs he watched in his youth.
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Debbie Croysdale: I love Shutter Island. I don't know if you ever saw Martin Scorsese's dark comedies, but After Hours in one of my all-time faves. The King of Comedy and Bringing Out the Dead are hysterical, too. Mr. Scorsese is definitely one of the best. any-genre/anytime kinda filmmaker.
And regarding Dan and Shawn...maybe it's time to get that pulp going! Heh-heh.
Best fortunes in your creative endeavors, Debbie!
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Have you read the book it is based on?
I haven’t read the book yet, but I definitely plan to soon.
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LOL, Bill! I'll never forget that day! It was our first time being arrested and Dan and I shit in our diapers! Tough day at the office :)
This doesn't answer your question, however I read the book "Wiseguy" which "Goodfellas" was based on before the film came out. I am also a big fan of Scorsese and mob movies and TV shows. I watched "The Irishman" the night it was released on Netflix.
scriptslug.com is a great resource for scripts one can learn from. Hope this helps.
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@Bill Thanks for info about Martin Scorsese’s dark comedies, I am checking them out Google in my spare time cos would be cool to see his take on “funny”. I twigged the bread van caper @Shawn/Dan was for real, heh heh. Cool...deeper darker layers than I was hoping to inject on set.
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Bill, King of Comedy is GREAT! As for After Hours, I know you know this guy ...
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Sam: yes, I do. I always had a question about that pic. What hair product do you use to get your hair slicked back like that? That looks so vibrant and shiny, and soft and firm at the same time! (Heh-heh...just busting your bells. But you do look very nice.)
Yeah...Griffin Dunne sure is a great one. I always wanted to be "Horst" from After Hours. Griffin Dunne sure has become a great producer/director, and (as you know) did the documentary about his aunt and one of the world's greatest writers of all-time, Joan Didion. I love Joan Didion, and love that film.
Best fortunes in your creative endeavors, Sam, and I hope all is going great with The Awesome Adventures of Frankie Stargazer!
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Bill Costantini and Debbie Croysdale I love Shutter Island! I hear some people say negative things about it, but I loved it.
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I loved Shutter Island. At the erd I did feel scheated. But I loved feeling cheated.
You’re clutch, Dan MaxXx! Thank you!
Great find, Dan. To those using it as a template to write their specs, be aware this is a shooting draft.
I didn’t see the end coming Rutger Oosterhoff, which probably says a lot about me in some people’s eyes!
I did not see the end either Metthew. I am sure most people did not see the end coming. That is part of the reason why it is such a good movie.
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I love the genre but thought it to be way too long! I watched it all at one sitting mostly because it was free. I thought the best acting was done by Al Pacino as Jimmy Hoffa. He was great. Overall, I thought the actors way too old to play the roles they played. Not enough makeup in the world to make two 75-year old men and an 80-year old man look like young men. And when they appeared opposite much younger and beautiful women half a century younger, their age really stuck out. It's a Hollywood thing apparently. Men never get old and older actresses need not apply.
I just came across this exchange.If your truly interested in the Life check out my biographical project. True Factual and not your "How many guys I killed,robed and beat up but now I'm broke offering"
A Wiser Guy
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You can find it here along with many others from this past year. Great reading! Cheers.