I wanted to share a quote with you that is so embedded in my being, I often overlook it. I'm lucky enough to have found the quote in a lovely, hand-painted Japanese calligraphy print, and upon admiring it, a friend bought it for me as a gift. Sorry for the sideways orientation :-/
"No one can accomplish anything significant alone, but someone has to start it."
I often beat myself up for not being a closer or not being able to do it all or not being able to complete everything I start. In doing so, I forget my superpower - the energy and enthusiasm I bring to a collaboration that gets something that previously seemed impossible off the ground.
My wisdom and encouragement to you on this fine Monday is this: celebrate all the little victories, invite others to participate in the process, and appreciate the contributions that every individual brings, including yourself. Then you can continue to make it about doing good work and not about ego.
And if you're reading this, I know you do great work!
I hope this finds you well!
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Oh waw. I couldn't agree more with your quote! This applies especially to filmmaking.
One of the quotes that has been with me my whole life would be "Do and be to other people the way you want them to be with you." Why I think this is important is because too many people are selfish and non sincere. I really do believe that if you are a good person and help others, that others will help you and together bigger and better things can be done. Where if we would all just be selfish and do things in our own interest, we'd never be able to get anything done.
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I totally agree. Your belief in what you do shines by itself and act like magnet to others.
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One of my favorite exchanges in dialogue inn cinema history.
Butch and Sundance are pinned down by a posse on the edge of a cliff with a stream far, FAR below...
Butch Cassidy:
Then you jump first.
Sundance Kid:
No, I said.
Butch Cassidy:
What's the matter with you?
Sundance Kid:
I can't swim.
Butch Cassidy:
Why you crazy, the fall will probably kill you.
It gets me every time.
So, just remember everyone, this is art. Just jump! It ain't gonna kill ya.
What doesn't kill your career in the arts makes you better at it. :)
We learn from everything.
Kick ass, everyone.
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Leya Kokoravec Thanks for sharing! Yeah, remembering that you can't do this without other people and showing gratitude for them is such good advice. In fact, I'm going to send out a few "Thank You" emails right now! Thanks for reminding me!
Michael Tabb Oh, man, now I'm going to have to see this again! But you're right, and I admired that fearlessness in my students. I guess that means I'm launching my podcast this weekend! LOL! #TimeToJump
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Kick ass on the podcast, and if you ever need a WGA writer guest, just let me know. I'm happy to give back in ways like that.
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I keep quite a few things written down and really should start using my Journal, again. ..but this is an old favorite that has helped me stay focused when I feel afraid to be vulnerable in front of others: "Do not be afraid of the Moment you were Born for."
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Fantastic, Eric C. Jackson - very inspiring!
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So true check your ego at the door before you wreck yourself...
I remember a late dear old friend of mine y my aunt's, Mr. Owen William Bradley, founder and creator of the Nashville Sound and exclusively the late legendary singer of country music Patsy Cline's producer...
He had mention to me that before every recording session he tell all the artists and musicians before entering "The Barn" which was the recording studio that he had on his ranch, to leave their Egos outside the door...
Love that, Big Dave "Eagle-Hawk"! And I just love the pep talks that happen before the work. Maybe we could start a post about the best pep talks from production! :-D
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People who do exceptionally well in the business of show can objectively identify their strengths and surround themselves with like minded people who make up for any shortcomings.
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“Who I am is unimportant. What I am is for you to decide.” I have always loved this quote. It has been a great tool not only on a personal level, but for character development. Characters are defined by the observer, it does not matter how you try to write them or present them. It pushes me to look at my characters through a long lens. What they say and do is what they are. I have to compare that to who I think they are, and make sure it matches up. On a personal level, it keeps me straight on actions define me, not how I present myself, not what I say. There are many philosophical quotes out there but I stick to this one. Its simplicity can read deep and far.
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This is just lovely. Taking the first step can be the hardest and yet the most rewarding thing we can do! And then while we're on that journey, remembering that we are not alone and that our tribe is out there is incredibly encouraging. Because no, we cannot do it alone. But it all starts with that first step.
Thank you for the Monday Motivation!
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I love this!
Hey, thanks, Lisann Valentin and Marion Mithamo! Feel free to leave a little quote, meme, or other inspiring anecdotes to share the love!
"Nobody steps on a church in my town!"
Okay, that's not my favorite quote but for some reason it's the first one to pop into my head when someone asks for a movie quote. It's impossible to choose one. There are so many with so many different meanings for so many different moods.
Wait... am I off topic?
So true. I once tried to be a one man crew, doing sound,catering,write,produce,direct and act. And oh, everything in post, even the music. Such a heavy responsibility to carry it. Then one day I decided to gather a crew. And it was such a great experience because of the creative collaboration with the people. My favourite quote would be from David Lynch ' Life is very, very confusing, and so films should be allowed to be,too'
David Patrick Raines - a little off topic LOL! It's more about motivational quotes than movie quotes. Huzaifah Abu Bakar Did you see one of our recent blogs about wearing multiple hats? I think you'd appreciate it: https://www.stage32.com/blog/Producer-Director-Writer-Actor-You-Can-Do-i...
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So true. It's like a screenplay takes so many talented people to give it "life."
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