Screenwriting : Your first script by Brian Stoneking

Brian Stoneking

Your first script

When or how old were you when you wrote your first script or are you writing your first one now?

Jim Boston

Brian, I wrote my first script in early 1979 (I was 23 going on 24)...and it was part of a screenwriting class at Iowa State University. The 30-minute script, "Long Way," was meant to be a TV sitcom pilot about two women who become route drivers for a soft-drink-bottling company.

That script has long ago gone the way of biodegradable items. (Oh, well...)

Cannon Rosenau

What a fun question! I had written some shorts prior to this particular one, but I finished my first feature length script in 2014 at age 34 in Grad school. I had used this one for each of the various classes and in one particular class it was optional to finish it. And finish it I did. I still love the story, but like Nick above I am afraid to revisit it and clean it up! Although, can I humbly brag that when I submitted it to a script service - my very first draft of my very first script - I got an 8 out of 10 score. And I should hope so, it was Frankensteined to life in each class. BUT they had qualms with the paralegal in the story meeting with clients because they didn't think paralegals did that. I was a paralegal for nearly 10 years and met with clients daily! So taken with a grain of salt, the script probably wasn't an 8. Maybe a 2! It was hard moving on to another script after that was my baby for so long but worth it because the next one was optioned. I think getting past the first one is a huge feat for anyone. Kind of a way of breaking the seal.

Jim Boston I'd love to read a script about a soft-drink-bottling company. Sounds awesome.

Jim Boston

Thanks, Cannon! Let me see what I can do to resurrect "Long Way..." this time as a feature.

Anthony Moore

I wrote my first screenplay in college when I was 20. then I stopped writing because my writing wasn't selling. I wrote my second first screenplay, at 44 and placed in a contest. Been writing and trying to break into Hollywood ever since.

Erick Freitas

I was probably 23...

Steve James

Last week! I'm old.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

I was 33 when I wrote my first screenplay. I wrote one every year for 8 years, then took a break to work full time (teaching) and now I'm back.

Ethan Frome

I was 17 years old when I wrote my first script in HS. There was a film class held after school as an English "credit recovery" class. I didn't need credits but I wanted to take the film class. It was a sketch comedy making fun of various teachers and staff in my school. They all loved it.

Rosalind Winton

I'm writing a feature now, I'm 56 and I started writing it two years ago :)

Johnathan Burns

I began writing scripts when I was 33, writing just 3 in 7 years because I never took it seriously. 3 years later I've completed 12 features at roughly 3 per year.

Craig D Griffiths

I wrote a very poor, hand written comedy when I was in my 20’s. Then immediately threw it way.

My first serious screenplay 50.

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