Filmmaking / Directing : the world of Stand Up Comedy by Tru Entertainment

Tru Entertainment

the world of Stand Up Comedy

we have not found any docu's about the world of stand up, the complete story

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Possibly no one cares?

HB Duran

You should make one, then!

Gerry Barrett

I recall CNN had a series called the History of Comedy and it covered the history (obviously) of the people who make us laugh. I'm a Stand up comic & Elvis Tribute Artist myself and I enjoyed the series very much.

Louis Tete


Tru Entertainment

we already wanted to tell the story of our clients, then watched This Is Stand Up on CC. they left out the "dark side" of the stage or the struggles of the stage.

Amanda Toney

There's an oldie from 2002 called Comedian which featured Jerry Seinfeld and Orny Adams.

Justin Plourde

I've watched a couple comedy docs but I'm having trouble remembering their names the ones I can think of are "When Stand Up Stood Out" and while it's an audio doc most comics will point to "The Day the Laughter Died" from 1990. Rich and Bonnie Vos released a very good autobiographical special on Amazon a couple years ago as well. Sounds like an interesting project, I'd love to see a good doc on the history of stand up.

Amanda Toney

Jonathon Douglas - Orny Adams from that "Comedian" doc has a Showtime special that is great called "More Than Loud". And, to anyone else reading this thread, I'm moderating a webcast tomorrow here on Stage 32 and one of my panelists is the comedian Harland Williams:

Tru Entertainment

thank you all for your input it gives us an idea of what rout we are going to take with our completed project. the majority that think they enjoy Stand-Up only support those they are familiar with

our idea "Who's That?" a {true} support of Comedy?

the known, unknown, up and coming, struggling Comic no longer gets support (from them, whoever they are) as they did in the past. followers, not a problem, like this, re-tweet that, thumbs up-done. yet "support" far and few between; financially at least.

In our not so humble opinion, laughter has value and the unexpected laugh is priceless. unfortunately, most don't support stand up comedy as a genre most, see:

"performing live: {insert any Comics name here}" and the first thing they think and say:

"Who Is that?"

{true} wants all to say "let's go get a laugh" and think "we should support live comedy."

we have created a network that supports "comedy" locally, regardless of who, is on stage.

we also recruit comedians locally to perform for those that support comedy, simultaneously we offer stage time to those that are interested in getting into comedy for the first time.

before the lock down we are started in Northern California and was in the process of gradually traveling across the country exposing the struggles of that person who "wants" the stage time for many reasons for some it's a "high" others it's "therapy".

we have starting by focusing on those that have a "real" 40 hour a week career not just a "job" and "needs" that stage time fix. documenting the disrespect from "them" (who ever they are) mainly the powers to be in the industry from Club Owners to Headliners that think the Host and Feature are to funny and asking that they change their set.

stay tune more to come


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