Filmmaking / Directing : Can make a living doing documentary filmmaking? by Lia Beltrami

Lia Beltrami

Can make a living doing documentary filmmaking?

I'm Lia Beltrami. I started making documentaries in 1991, 29 years ago. In these years I have shot over 40 documentaries, selected in 169 festivals and won 44 awards. There is a common thread in everything I do: try to bring hope and tell stories of "flowers in the desert". I shot in war zones, followed human trafficking routes, and worked with abused girls.

I have told stories of psortives that have inspired many people. In these 29 years I have enriched myself with an enormous amount of human experience, I have dealt with evil and good, I have saved myself from dangers. In all of this, the first question people ask me is: how do you manage to finance projects? I could talk about this for days. Some points just to start:

I'm looking for foundations and partner associations, to whom I propose to support the documentary in exchange for some short promotional videos (this works);

I link a social campaign to the documentary;

I'm looking for some private sponsors who believe in the project.

Sometimes you find the whole budget, other times you adapt to sleep on the ground. It 'also happened to use the money for color correction to buy mattresses for children on the run.

If you are interested we can investigate many parts. Good job in the search for truth.

Lisa R Malone

Hello Lia! I love documentaries of all sorts!

Lia Beltrami

Hello Lisa. If you have Prime, you can watch some of mine: Look Beyond, The Wonderful Tapestry of Life, Ukon the Samurai, Heroes without Capes

Doug Nelson

Since you haven't starved to death during the past 29 years - I think you've already answered your own question. It sounds like a difficult way to earn a living but it also sounds like a truly satisfying career choice.

Brent Bergan

Lia - you are awesome! What an amazing 29 yrs. You are truly living.

Lia Beltrami

Doug you are right and Brent, yes I'm really happy now. I think true freedom requests choices and renunciations, but it is worthy.

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