Screenwriting : Promo Code by Timothy Christopher Teemal

Promo Code

Is it necessary to receive coverage in Script Services? If so where can I get one?

Pierre Langenegger

No, it's not. Coverage that the writer buys plays no part in the promotion of their work.

Craig D Griffiths

No not necessary. Some will say yes.

You may want to get it until you are confident in your skills. I have never got any. I did get some contest notes.

But I am supremely arrogant and like the process of self development.

Timothy Christopher Teemal

Thanks so much for the responses.

Erick Freitas

It's not necessary but it is helpful...

Svetlin Mitrev

Hello guys, I`m trying to book a pitch session, but do not have a promo code. Where I can get one?

Rosalind Winton

It's not a requirement, but I have found script services extremely helpful, with great feedback that has helped me become a better writer, which in turn has helped my script become better and better.

Matthew Parvin

It's not necessary, but it helps. Particularly if you trust the source.

Madsen Gram

All things creative

Sam Mannetti

Hi Timothy, you can find script coverage here:

Craig D Griffiths

No. It is not needed. I would say “trust yourself and rely on your ability to learn and grow”.

If you want to engage a service. They are everywhere. Truly everywhere. Most screenwriting podcasts are sponsored by or offer such a service.

Timothy Mcreynolds

I'll read it for free, I won't give you pages of notes but i'll be honest.

Madsen Gram


Kiril Maksimoski

No...some people comment below my loglines (for which I'm grateful), but no gun up the far...

Geoff Hall

Timothy Christopher Teemal Is it necessary? It depends on where you are in your career. If you are just starting out and are not too confident about what you’ve written, then I’d say go for it. Nowadays I’m more likely to use a Stage 32 Script Consulting Service or a Career Development Call. I found the latter to be challenging but worth it.

Geoff Hall

Svetlin Mitrev Promo Codes. If you don’t have one, just leave that field blank. The Codes are generated for various promotions and not given for every time we use a service.

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