Introduce Yourself : Tobey Alexander - Author / Screenwriter by Tobey Alexander

Tobey Alexander

Tobey Alexander - Author / Screenwriter

Hello everyone, I write under the name of Tobey Alexander and am finally allowing myself to emerge from the shadows and start pushing myself out into the spotlight a little.

I've honed my craft over the last few years and am working to release engaging stories that a born from my imagination and desire to tell stories that allow people to escape. I'm currently working on a juvenile fantasy series that's being met really well and I've adapted that into a screenplay and had some selections and nominations when I've submitted it in contests.

I suppose the best way to describe me is to say I'm keen to learn and make use of this imagination of mine.

You can have a look at for more about little old me.

Stay safe everyone.

Marian Tovey

Hi good to hear from you. All the best with your Series - I wish you every success.

Tobey Alexander

Thank you so much :)

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Hey Tobey. Welcome to Stage32! There is SO MUCH content. You're website is amazing btw. I love your titles. Gridlock was my favourite logline. Consider putting your loglines and onesheets on your stage32 loglines page in case a producer wants to check you out there. How many of your books have been adapted to screenplay format so far? You have had so much recent success! Stage32 offers the best access to real producers for your material. Get pitching. It's under Script Services. Good luck! If you're looking for a writer's community check out the Writer's Room - we have a couple Brits in the group. For not a lot of money it provides really great opportunities and mutually beneficial community. Cheers!

Tobey Alexander

Thank you so much I shall definitely have a look and get to work. I've fully adapted two of the projects (Gridlock is in the third draft) and I'm working on a few others too.

Frank Gaimari

Hi Tobey, welcome!

Alan Champion

Frank, it appears that you've been prolific, and, I'm certain that the accolades and awards are meritorious... I am a Content Developer, seeking a seasoned screenwriter - as I tend to write dialogue the way I believe people "should" speak (grammar, etc.), in stead of how they actually communicate, a causatum of having taught English... Any suggestions?

Alan Champion

A mix-up with Frank; So sorry, I meant to send my message to you, Tobey... All the best to you!

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