Introduce Yourself : Kayla Windsor - Director of Photography/Camera Operator by Kayla Windsor

Kayla Windsor

Kayla Windsor - Director of Photography/Camera Operator

Good evening! I am a female cinematographer, proudly operating for over 12 years now in the state of Arizona. I wanted to introduce myself to you all as I am looking to reach out to more creatives around the world. I have a few productions under my belt now and I've just now received my first Netflix camera operating position coming up in February! I'm willing to travel to you if the project is outside of Arizona! Would love to work with actors just for fun as well. Hopefully we get to work together soon :)

GW Allison

Nice to meet you, Kayla! My daughter Kayla wants to be a cinematographer, just graduated college. Any advice?

Xaviera Iglesias

Welcome to Stage32! :)

David C. Velasco

Welcome and congrats Kayla!

Leya Kokoravec

Hi and nice to meet another female DP :)

Randy Goodwin

Love the reel! Congratulations on your successes so far. AZ is a beautiful place to be a cinematographer. :-)

Navid Lancaster

Welcome to Stage32 Kayla Windsor

James Brosnahan

Welcome to Stage32

Dunya K. Ibrahim

Welcome Kayla

Selma Karayalcin

Wonderful to meet you!

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Simply great! Welcome to this beautiful network. Looks like you fit in very well. :)

Adeel Arshad

Good evening

Monica Mansy

Wow, Kayla Windsor! Congratulations on your upcoming Netflix project... how exciting! P.S. Your reel is BEAUTIFUL!

Musto Pelinkovicci

How cute. Very nice Kayla. You look very professional. Maybe we get to work together some day. All the best!

Maurice Vaughan

Glad to connect, Kayla. Impressive reel.

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