Screenwriting : Query Letter/Written Pitch without any notable accolades by J.B. Bettiol

J.B. Bettiol

Query Letter/Written Pitch without any notable accolades

Every sample query letter I've seen contains an example of the writer winning or placing in a screenwriting competition, but what about a writer with different accolades?

For example, my credits include being the PWA (personal writing assistant) to an Emmy-nominated screenwriter for over 3 years (not a WPA mind you, my prime job was editing and revising his scripts) whereupon I contributed on over a dozen of his projects, but got no IMDb credit for.

My other credits would be that I had two pilot scripts on Black List that were ranked #25 and #67 on the site for almost the entirety of 2020, one of which I signed a shopping agreement for with two production companies who found a showrunner and are currently waiting on her to put together a pitch for networks.

As you all can see, none of this is very concise and doesn't include any competition victories or even entries - so I was wondering if anybody had any possible advice about what to include in my query letters and written pitches? Is any of this even worth mentioning or should I hold off on pitching/sending queries until I place in contests?

Devin Overman

I agree with John -- assuming it's okay to mention the writer you assisted in the query itself, i'd pop that into the subject, lead the body with a quick intro, the logline, then you can explain the qualifications after that.

a sample subject could be: QUERY - Screen P. Writer's PWA, Blacklist #25 2020

Jim Boston

J.B., it's really cool that you were a PWA to an Emmy-nominated screenwriter...and that two of your own scripts were in Blacklist's Top 100. To me, that's more than worth putting in a query letter.

Me, I've got nothing to hang my hat on when it comes to entering screenwriting contests. Never been a quarterfinalist...yet. But I've got an IMDB credit, and that's only because I was in a documentary called "The Entertainers," a 2012 film about the World Championship Old-Time Piano Playing Contest and Festival (a Memorial Day weekend event held since 1975...but the global pandemic scuttled last year's contest and has already claimed the 2021 get-together).

Anyway, when I wrote a query letter to an agent in 2017 (two years before I joined Stage 32), I mentioned that IMDB credit upon speaking up for "Really Old School," a comedy about modern-day teens playing ragtime.

All the VERY BEST to you, J.B., especially in your own pitching efforts!

Ewan Dunbar

It sounds like you have some great writing experience you can absolutely bring up when submitting. Bringing up this experience is another way of demonstrating how your work has been well recognised within the industry.

Pierre Lapointe

Winning or placing in competition is nice, but having experience in the the business is a huge step-up. Pinpoint the experience of working with an established Emmy-winning writer, learning from him/her and your three years of fleshing out story, characters, etc. in that environment is unique and how that led you to write 2 scripts in the top 100 at Blcklist.

Focus on the experience and the results of that experience, those are the accomplishments!

J.B. Bettiol

Thank you all so much for your insight and guidance, these comments along with a few Stage 32 webinars on query letters have helped tremendously! I have several pitches coming up in the next few weeks so I'll keep everybody updated on how they go! Thanks again!

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

F÷○《 competitions. Your experience trumps any competition. Your writing experience as a working paid writers speaks way more. You're lucky! Flaunt it.

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