Introduce Yourself : The bad and good that was 2020... by Lee Chambers

Lee Chambers

The bad and good that was 2020...

Covid-19 has been hard on everyone. While the world was locked down and shut in - there was nothing better than getting a chance to binge on some great stuff that was streaming... then, put the coffee pot on and dive into screenwriting.

The forced confinement ended up as a blessing for me: paid to draft three features, optioned a 4th, crafted three short scripts and won four script contests... plus directed the pandemic comedy 'Hell in a Handbasket' to wrap up 2020 (see attached image - please let the Covid-21 reference be a joke). Add on guest speaking at five film festivals (four by zoom)...Not bad. Not bad at all.

Looking for collaborations and new folks that are just as fired up to create great content.

Here's to 2021! Say hello... :)



Jodi Rath


Pat Semler

Hi Lee. That is an amazing amount of work you accomplished. Congratulations. Would you be connected to Screencraft's Summit this year?

Marwa Bernstein

Love it Lee! Congratulations on all of it. I am always happy to collaborate and create!

John Cilia

Hi Lee, very impressive accomplishments .... Hope you can glance to my profile to see if we can work together on future project.

John Cilia

Hi Lee, impressive accomplishments. Please glance at my profile to see if we can work together on future project(s)?

Mariannjely Marval

Congratulations! That's amazing and inspiring. Would love to collaborate!

Jared Isham

wow, you kept busy.

Chad Ayinde

Blown away by the work you have done my friend. This year ran in a very similar fashion for me as I won a couple screenwriting competitions, founded a comic book studio for military veterans, released three issues of our feature title and directed my first movie short! I completed drafting an animated feature, two dramatic shorts and two tv pilots! It's great to see the pandemic wasn't terrible for everyone out there. I was starting to think I was the only guy that had a decent year in all the tragedy.

Andrea Zurlo

Congratulations, you made good use of your time during pandemic

Lee Chambers

Hi Everyone! Gonna check everyone out and write back! :)

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