This is something that I have wanted to do for three years now. I made two attempts at it, and they didn't do so well. I got some inspiration last night to try this project again; just change it a little.
So the project is a documentary that focuses on the fans of the show One Tree Hill. It will be sharing their stories of what drew them to the series and what makes the show special to them. Why they believe it's still important after nearly 20 years. Also what makes the place it was filmed special. This show has impacted so many fans' lives, and with it going to be celebrating 20 years since it first aired, I thought it would be a good way to honor it.
While I would love to do more like interview the cast and use clips from the show, I just don't think it's in the cards or budget right now.
This would be my second documentary, but my first one my own. My concern is that I won't get the fan involvement that I want; like the first two times, things didn't work out. I was looking for some advice on ways that might help get people to want to be involved. Or suggestions on a way I could take it if fans don't get involved. Or any general advice about going into a project like this.
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Do the BTS first. Tell us the story behind the story to build traction for the overall project.
Act like that's the real doc. Tell us why you feel madly, passionately, deeply about this project.
Then, arc the BTS out so it organically leads into shooting the "real" doc. By then you will have attracted some support.
(And seek out the One Tree Hill cast on Cameo for instant star power. Or people willing to talk about it).
David Santo, I see what you are saying and it makes sense. I know the first two times I tried to fans involved I did it through different social media. While the posts I made got a lot of like, it didn't get true involvement. Do appreciate the advice.
I do have a question about your suggestion of seeking out the actors on Cameo. Are you suggesting that I should have something mention the project or have them say a message to encourage people to get involved? Did you mean something different?
You pay the actors from the show to give you and your project a shoutout by name. Now it's not legal to use the clips in a final brodcast edit.
But it would help greatly as a defacto endorsement for your pre-production efforts and adding a halo effect to the entire project :)
Hey, Meghan! I'd be happy to help and get involved and see if I can help in any way.
There has to be an online fan group or two out there. Can you get support from them in terms of accessing their platform or possibly even making appeals for funding?
Lois Tiller, I have tried that the first two times. I am a part of a couple of different ones and two that are groups for conventions for the show. While I got a lot of people to like the posts, so no one really seemed to want to get involved. I even started a group of my own for all the information on it and got a handful of people to join it. Again they look at the posts but don't really interact with them. Haven't made the appeal for funding yet. That was only because my original idea was a lot smaller.
Harvey Read, thank you. Still working things out, but I'll let you know.
Similar to what David said - the big question to dig deep and articulate is "Why now?" You say it meant a lot to people - how did it change lives? Why do people need to hear about that now?
Also, consider making a little something with what you have. Can you interview yourself and a few friends? Don't worry about what you don't have, gather what you can, and see what it looks like. You can always add to the cut - and use the initial cut to help get people excited for the idea.
Keep at it! I know a few fans myself ;-)
Karen "Kay" Ross, Those are good questions to ask and can work on really defining those answers better. I know for the why people need to hear it now question, my original idea stemmed from the show hitting the 15-year mark from when it first premiered. Now it's focusing on the 20-year mark.
I can definitely interview myself. While I would love to interview my friends, they don't want the show. I do know some people who like the shows because of the conventions and Facebook groups, but it would end up being done over Zoom. When I first asked some people, they say they'd do it, but then backed out. So in the end to start it just be me. Also, I'm just not 100% sure about the original questions I had. Should I keep those or if I should change them up.
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Hey Meghan - if you’d like to discuss original music with me at any time I’m available for new projects. Your documentary sounds very interesting & im keen to be involved in factual storytelling
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Amy Balcomb, thank you for that. I'm not at that stage yet, but I will keep you in mind for when I am.
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Kinney Scott, is that a good wow? A surprised wow or a bad wow?
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good wow !! (: never opposite it always good too see all do things they always dreamed of (: