Introduce Yourself : Hello! by David W Pedersen

David W Pedersen


My name is David W. Pedersen and I started working in independent film as a screenwriter in 2012, but have been a location sound engineer, director, producer, composer, and gaffer. I’m currently working in preproduction on a short that I wrote called “Membrane” which was a finalist in the 2021 Midwest Weirdfest’s Best Short Screenplay category. Production for “Membrane” begins on 7/30/2021 and I am super stoked! The production team will be using practical effects and two puppeteers, which is a first for me.

I am also a member of the Veterans in Media and Entertainment, a DePaul MFA Screenwriting Student, and currently run, a blog on writing, music, books, typewriters, and culture. It’s a pleasure to be among other creatives! I look forward to seeing all of your projects!

Jared Forth

Welcome David!

John Brian

hi david how are you

Vital Butinar

Welcome and congratulations on your film!

Keep us updated on the progress. :)

Joseph Thibodaux

Do you provide workshops in Stage 32?

David W Pedersen

Hi Joseph, I do not do workshops for Stage 32, but I'm happy to provide any information about indie filmmaking to anyone who has questions. Hit me up!

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