Introduce Yourself : Biggest Fear by Hunter Huiet

Hunter Huiet

Biggest Fear

One of my biggest fears for the project I'm working on is that I suffer so much writers block! It's not even funny.

Richard Chiu

Hello people of Stage 32! First time caller long time listener. Would love to join in on this conversation

Taylor C. Baker
  • nods head in agreement * Thank you for sharing Hunter Huiet! Writers block is a STRUGGLE. but totally part of the process. We have a lot of great blogs about how to overcome the dreaded writers block - my favorite thing is to do is walk my dog or take a shower - I always get my best ideas when I'm either moving or in water haha. More tips here:
Hunter Huiet

Taylor C. Baker LOL about the shower! I will for sure read the tips

Hunter Huiet

Richard Chiu Please join the conversation

Karen "Kay" Ross

Jump on in, Richard Chiu!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hunter Huiet - that is a legitimate and common fear, my friend! One of my fears is similar - getting distracted and losing my momentum. Something I learned recently from the book The Artist's Way (which I highly recommend) is "don't underestimate the power of enthusiasm". Yes, The Artist's Way asks you to write every morning as part of your process, which can certainly help with writer's block. When it comes to creating something that you intend to hand off to someone else to collaborate on, however, part of what gets them excited about the project is what excited you about the project. To you, I say - find what gives you energy, do that, and come back to your writing with fresh eyes!

But don't take my word for it - I think you could ask your fellow screenwriters what they do to overcome writer's block in the Screenwriting Lounge:

Hunter Huiet

Karen "Kay" Ross Thank you so much! I will do that

Karen "Kay" Ross

Wise words from a kick-ass creator, Aurore de Blois

Lori Jones

For me, writer's block means my mental computer - brain - needs more information to process the scene or dialog, so I don't force it. I ask myself what needs to happen next, then let it go. The answer usually comes in fast and furious the next day while I'm out jogging. Seriously, some days I have to keep stopping so I can type the dialog into my phone.

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