Introduce Yourself : My Name is Aaron Allen... Owner/Filmmaker of Extreme Christian Entertainment... by Aaron Allen

Aaron Allen

My Name is Aaron Allen... Owner/Filmmaker of Extreme Christian Entertainment...

Our most recent short film RED LETTERS is an Award Winning film at the Indie Gathering Film Festival and an Official Selection of the Imaginarium Film Festival 2021. We have two short films and other projects we are planning and in development. Currently got back to a feature film project we had to put on hold, THE WAITING ROOM. We have raised and are still raising funds for this film, so far raised is $6000 of the $8000 goal via crowdfunding. We have other funds available for us once we reach that goal. I am also an Award Winning Producer with a producer team of another feature film I can't give full details yet but will eventually.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Aaron Allen! Great to see you again - congrats on the accolades! Oh, cool - what are you doing to raise funds? I'd love for you to post some insight into your process in the Financing Lounge:

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