Introduce Yourself : Hello by Jon-Michael Mooney

Jon-Michael Mooney


Hey everyone,

I’ve been lurking around without introducing myself. My name is JM (Jon-Michael), and I’m an Aussie based filmmaker with over 10 years experience in TV. In that time I’ve had the good fortune to work with companies like Disney and Nickelodeon which I loved. I’m primarily working as an online broadcast editor for TV.

My passion project is an animated adult comedy series about that chaotic inner workings of the mind explored through Monkey, Ego, Memory, Miggy and Atman. Think Inside out meets Big mouth/ Midnight Gospel. If that wound like something you would like to be involved in let me know.

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Jon-Michael. Cool poster/image for "Monkey & Me."

Yobani G

Cool, that’s a cool cartoon monkey. :)

Chaun Lee

Jon-Michael Mooney 'Love the poster! It looks like an interesting piece.

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