Producing : The vanishing producer! by Johnathan Burns

Johnathan Burns

The vanishing producer!

Hi all. Has anyone heard what has happened to Blake Reading? I had a great pitch review and script request from him earlier this year and he's dropped off the face of the earth!

Abdur Mohammed

Hi Jonathan...Sorry to hear about you getting "Ghosted"....same thing happened to me last year as well...from Cake Studios. Did the Executive coverage, got a contact request...then I got "Ghosted." It happens I suppose. Captor looks really good by the way. Good luck.

Martin Reese

I'd say be patient Johnathan Burns. Maybe do a polite follow-up. And keep pitching and sending your stuff out. First come, first serve.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Let's be honest; producers who "ghost" you, despite the rep they may have built up for themselves or their employer, aren't legit or professional. The "names" who have nothing going on behind their name card in this industry are everywhere.

Dan MaxXx

I've been ghosted by my own agent/agency. Thats just one way ppl deal with, "no news." Dont take it personal, even if it does hurt emotionally/egos.

Johnathan Burns

Thank you all for your comments. I followed up via Stage 32 a couple of times and they never heard back either. Moving on...

Kiril Maksimoski

Hope he didn't vanish with any of your money as well....back in the early 90s I was visiting Toronto, every commercial/service had this "money back guarantee" policy.....sucha idyllic times...

John Ellis

If they requested and you sent a script, it's perfectly acceptable protocol to follow up (politely) every 2-3 weeks. Direct contact info is available on IMDbPro.

However, after a few follow-ups and still nothing, move on.

And, remember, your pitch review is what you paid for. As S32 reiterates over and over and over and over, all their services are "educational," with no promise of anything other giving you the "experience" of pitching.

Dan MaxXx

John, there lies the rub (or call it whatever), majority of ppl paying for pitches believe it is access than education.

Cherelynn Baker

Sometimes, a quick course correct can help. If you are not hearing back, or seeing the project move in the direction you are seeking, perhaps a course correction to a new path? Keep moving towards your dreams!

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