Screenwriting : Success Stories by Jack Waldron

Jack Waldron

Success Stories

Hi all, just wondering what is everyone’s success story. What was the one moment in your journey that made you get to the point ‘wow I’ve succeeded in screenwriting’. Love to hear everyone’s own story.

Craig D Griffiths

For me it is a journey. I need to reach milestones that allow me to continue.

From a skill pov, when I started see poor writing. Things being done to serve the writer not the story. A character doing something to make life easier for the writer.

Making some shorts cemented the form in my head. Selling a script gave me insight. Now I write constantly. I blog and vlog about it. It is a part of who I am. I could live without it. But would I ever chose to? No.

Kiril Maksimoski

Succeeding in screenwriting is basically writing a script...everything else is succeeding in business...

Maurice Vaughan

I've been hired to write scripts, sold short scripts, etc. I don't know if there was a "wow I’ve succeeded in screenwriting" moment. I think it's more of a journey like Craig said.

Jack Waldron

Maurice but how did you get to the point of selling those scripts. At the moment in my journey I would think that was the point of ‘succeeding’. But yes I think every journey have their own milestones like you said

Tasha Lewis

The Process-discovering the screenwriting world (adaptation of novels to film, how to become a screenwriter, benefits and representation) would be the first step. Uncovering your USP (unique selling point) and placing yourself strategically (joining a site like Stage 32). The rest is your testimony.

Maurice Vaughan

Jack, I got to the point of selling those scripts (to a producer on Stage 32) by learning the craft, practicing to get better at writing, and networking.

David Bass

There was a point in re-writing and editing my first feature film when I stopped needing external validation. Maybe not perfect, it's undeniably good (to me). If I never get repped, the script never gets read, the film never gets produced, none of those shortfalls will take away from the fact that I wrote a damn good, funny movie.

Great question Jack.

Jim Boston

Jack, my goal is still to get screenplays of mine produced...but as long as something I've written resonates with folks on platforms like this one and Script Revolution, I'm happy with that. (At least it's a start!)

All the VERY BEST to you...glad you're here on Stage 32!

Dan MaxXx

income from basically a hobby.

Seeing a movie I wrote broadcast on Telemundo network, dubbed in Spanish language. That gave me a little confidence maybe I can play the studio game. Or least get some swings.

CJ Walley

It was when I felt the wheels of the A380 I was riding on touchdown on the runway of LAX. I'd always said to myself that I would only visit LA if I was actually making a movie and that moment was so vindicating. My life was falling apart at the time and I was 5,000 miles from home finally getting the fresh start I was looking for. Second most emotional moment was seeing the trailers roll in on set.

Matthew Parvin

The fact that I'm writing and sharing my work after thirty years of being afraid to is a personal success.

Dan Guardino

I really never had that kind of moment. The closes I came might have been when I was first hired to adapt a novel, or maybe when I was employed as a Staff Writer.

Doug Nelson

A way back in 1972, I sold my very first script to MTM so I was convinced that I was a hot-shot screenwriter then. Obviously this screenwriting gig is pretty simple, eh? I've learned a lot since then. I've been fortunate for having occasional success here & there but mostly it's been a long hard pull in between.

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