Filmmaking / Directing : First time filmmaker road to the Oscars 2022 by Desiree Kahikopo-Meiffret

First time filmmaker road to the Oscars 2022

Here is my very first blog for stage 32, about my journey to independently submit our film to the Oscars 2022 in the general category.

Please have a read:

Joanna Karselis

What a trailer and what a story. You're inspirational Desiree. Good luck with the Oscars.

Christopher Charles Murray

You are the light at the end of the tunnel, Desiree!!

Desiree Kahikopo-Meiffret

Thank you Joanna

Desiree Kahikopo-Meiffret

Thank you Christopher

Rodney Kimbangu

Fabulous, Desiree. Congratulations! I am from the Congo, and I live in Virginia. Would love to connect and collaborate!

Karen "Kay" Ross

This is a fantastic story, and what an inspiration! Thank you for sharing!

Desiree Kahikopo-Meiffret

Thank you Karen

Desiree Kahikopo-Meiffret

Thank you Rodney

Kiril Maksimoski

Didn't they film "Mad Max Fury Road" in Namibia? Yea, I've heard of you... :)

On a serious note, kudos and If you're racing for the 2022 Oscars, all the best all the way...

On the other hand, Academy winning is voting like anything sure have politicians in your country, check out how they win harts&minds of the voters...overhyping some, but sure that might be the way as well...big players involve money as well, but there is a chance for beginners time to recent example is this duo from my country got nominated twice in 2020 best foreign film and best documentary...Tamara and Ljubo being one of the modest filmmakers I know, be sure to talk to people like this, sponge their experiences and how they've made it to the Oscars

Desiree Kahikopo-Meiffret

Hey Kiril

Thank you for your advice, yes Mad max was filmed there, as well as some parts of A space Odessy and others.

I have learned quite a lot on this journey, even doing this now with the Oscars.

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