Screenwriting : My project just made the top 1% of all Stage 32 scripts in 2021! by Andy Carpenter

Andy Carpenter

My project just made the top 1% of all Stage 32 scripts in 2021!

Psyched that my horror/comedy collaboration with screenwriters Paul Rowe and Dan Quigley, MORTAGE, DEMONS AND DEATH: THE ANTHOLOGY, has made the top 1% of all scripts in 2021 within the Stage 32 community. Take a chance, find some partners, and write! It was a great experience for us that started with an inquiry on Facebook for other screenwriters in my community. A couple psychotic giraffes later, and BAM! Check out Paul Rowe (Columbus, GA.) and Dan Quigley (Atlanta, GA.)!

Martin Reese


Aconda Williams


Matthew Parvin

Congrats, Andy!

Rosemond Perdue


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