Introduce Yourself : Making a horror feature by Bron Theron Alderson

Bron Theron Alderson

Making a horror feature

Hello everyone! It has been a while since I was on this platform! Currently I am in post on a horror/ thriller film - noir called Half Dead Fred We have got tons of press on the project so far and even investors that want to finance the next film . I raise money through indiegogo and other platforms. If you can please follow on the Instagram and Facebook group for updates and premiere plans! Have a great day and keep making movies! Bron / writer / director - movie maker

Allen Lynch

Good luck Bron!

Gregg Guest

Awesome! Look forward to seeing this!

Martin Reese

Great! Let us know how we can see it.

Maurice Vaughan

How's it going, Bron Theron Alderson? I like the title. Looking forward to the updates.

Vincent Turner

get it in the can man

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