Screenwriting : Stage32 User Gaming the Loglines List on this Website by GJ Harvey

GJ Harvey

Stage32 User Gaming the Loglines List on this Website

Dear Stage32 Community,

I frequently browse members loglines using the Browse>Loglines function and have noticed three loglines from one user is always at the top. Weird. I updated one of my loglines which pushed it to the top of the list, and within minutes his were on top again. I repeated this several times and he kept bumping his to the top.

If you don't believe me, update one of your loglines and see how long you stay at the top before his three are "updated" and bump you down the list.

Not really in the spirit of our writing community...

GJ Harvey

The bumps happen so fast - makes me think he's got a bot setup. No big deal I guess but I like to see what's new not the same thing over and over...

Jon Shallit

Who is it?

Richard Buzzell

Greg - I tried your experiment with a fake logline about a delusional man who spams an entertainment industry social media site in a doomed attempt to sell his screenplays. As soon as I entered the logline, Juan's loglines jumped ahead of it. Must be some kind of bot as you suspect.

Frank Baruch

I think the best rule of thumb is to read the loglines of people you connect with. The loglines on the browse tab are such a repository of work, it's impossible to vet through them all.

Richard Buzzell

This is a spamming issue and the Stage32 policy on spamming is zero tolerance! Hopefully the site will uphold their own policy???

Molly Peck

Hey Greg, I'm going to make our tech team aware of this to see if its some kind of glitch. Thanks!

Billy Bronson
Billy Bronson

Not sure if my last post actually posted, but I just wanted to say - Good catch Greg!

Richard Buzzell

Molly - This looks like a "spam-glitch" to me. The fix? Get rid of the spammer.

Richard Buzzell

This post seemed to mysteriously disappear from the screenwriting lounge, but now it's back. The spam situation continues un-changed though.

Angela Cristantello

Thank you for calling our attention to this, Greg!

GJ Harvey

@Angela Was this fixed?

Cherelynn Baker

Thank you for sharing GJ Harvey ... personally, a few years back I put up a log line and it sits with internet dust as we speak. I appreciate your tenaciousness for fairness and possible bot report in the platform.

Molly Peck

Hi Greg, we've brought this to the attention of the team and are working to get it resolved. Thanks!

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