Introduce Yourself : Introducing Myself and Saying Hello by Debra Leigh Scott

Debra Leigh Scott

Introducing Myself and Saying Hello

Hi everyone. I am new to Stage 32, and wanted to introduce myself. I'm a writer, publisher -- I work in the arts in a lot of capacities. I'm working to co-produce a documentary or docu-series (we have a LOT of material which may better be shared in a series) about the corporatization of American academia, called 'Junct, The Trashing of Higher Ed. in America. I'm also working to finish a companion book. I'd love to connect with other indy filmmakers and documentarians for collaboration, mutual support -- anything, really, that is film-related.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Debra Leigh Scott. Great meeting you. I like documentaries. PBS has some great ones. What's a companion book?

Cherelynn Baker

Welcome to Stage 32 Debra!

Debra Leigh Scott

Hi Maurice and Cherelynn! To answer you, Maurice, the "companion book" to the documentary is a book (right now with the same title as the doc) which will go into more depth about the issues we raise in the film, and which offers a blue print for going forward to (re)build our educational system.

Doug Nelson

The trashing of education/higher ed is one/the most significant topics in my little squirrelly little brain. If there's anything I can do to help on this project - just ask.

Maurice Vaughan

A companion book for the documentary sounds great, Debra Leigh Scott. That's unique.

Debra Leigh Scott

Thanks so much, Doug! I'd love to explore the possibility of working with you. You live in Corvallis, OR? Marjorie Sandor, whose novel The Secret Music of Tordesillas we published a year ago, lives in Corvallis. I don't know how big the arts community in Corvallis is, but she and her husband are both wonderful writers you might enjoy knowing. Best, Debra

Briar Rose Vixen

Hi Debra, I’m an actor/writer also based in Philly would love to connect!

Tony Pham

This sounds like it would be a fantastic documentary and I'm genuinely interested to see what you uncover. Would this be specifically focused on a state or throughout the whole country?

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