So, I posted a couple weeks ago about how I'm going to finish 10 screenplays in 4 months. Well, guess what? Just finished the first one a few minutes ago. All I gotta do is figure out a title for it, but that shouldn't be too hard. Now it's on to the next one!!!
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Congrats on finishing the script, Tony. What is the genre?
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Congratulations Tony Ray One down and nine to go. Don't forget about the rewrites. Keep those hits coming. Onward and upward.
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10 scripts in four months? You are damn supernatural. What genres? Have you thought about the rewriting process? Not doubting you... but saying that you are damn good.
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Ya sure you bet - I remain a bit skeptical.
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Nice!!! Keep going you got this!
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Maurice Vaughan Thanks. It's a spy thriller.
MB Stevens Thanks a lot!
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Maló Polite Xavier In terms of genres, there will be 3 spy thrillers, an alternate superhero script, a prequel to a fantasy script I've already finished, a sports script, a prison script, a war film based on a video game, another thriller, and a zombie film. Plus two shorts that are already half-done.
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Doug Nelson I'm only finishing the first draft for them all. Although I'm sure if I quit my regular job I MIGHT come close to finishing 10 final draft scripts in 4 months, for this I'm just doing 10 first drafts. That way, if my Nicholl entry gains any traction, I'll be able to show that I have a lot more to offer than just one measly screenplay.
Musaka Kalepa Thank you so much!
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@Dan MaxXx I did the math a little differently. I got the first script done in roughly 2 weeks. So, I figured:
9 Scripts (S)
2 Weeks Per (Wp)
9S x 2Wp = 18 Weeks or 4 months 2 weeks.
It also helps that every one of the scripts on my list is, at minimum, started to some capacity. Some are only a few pages, others I'm 30-40 pages deep on.
It's not that I'm trying to prove anything. I just want to make sure that I have as many scripts done as possible in the event that the one I entered into the Nicholl actually makes some waves. At minimum, if I get them all done then I'll have 14 finished scripts, with 4 of them being completely final drafted.
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You're welcome, Tony. A spy thriller sounds interesting. James Bond or Mission: Impossible?
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Thanks Wally. Funnily enough, it's actually a James Bond prequel.
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Impressive plus inspiring!!
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Prequel like how James Bond became a spy, Tony?
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Truthfully Dan, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
And Maurice, something like that. =)