Introduce Yourself : Looking forward to connecting! by Ben Hausdorff

Ben Hausdorff

Looking forward to connecting!

Hey Stage32 fam! I'm a director that's new to Stage32 and excited to use the platform and meet new people! I'm really looking to collab with writers and producers but any and all awesome production people I'd love to network with! Building a dream team is the goal and finding scripts that are ready to rock would be ideal. Let's connect!


Maurice Vaughan

How's it going, Ben? Great director's reel. I'm really impressed! Looking forward to collaborating in the near future. Possibly being on the dream team. :)

Ben Hausdorff

Thanks Maurice! Check your messages

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ben. Ok, I'll check them.

Skye Dent

I'm not new to Stage 32. Heard of it. But, I've been focusing on writing.

Robert Henry

Nice to meet you Ben

David Santo


Bobbi-Lea Dionysius

Hey David, great to e-meet you,. :)

Deatri King-Bey

Welcome, Ben.

Joanna Karselis

Welcome Ben! Hope you can make some great connections here :)

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Welcome in this beautiful network, Ben!

Chris Seokotsa

hi ben i'm a scriptwriter let's talk

Skye Dent

Does anyone do zoom meetings. Seems very hard for everyone to go over the same stuff about one's self to so many people. Or does Stage 32 haveit's own version of Zoom

Maurice Vaughan

Skye, there are Zoom meetings in the Stage 32 Writers' Room. Some of the meetings are Pitch Tanks, Table Reads, and Coverage Reports.

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