Producing : Comment the ONE film that changed your life! by Cherelynn Baker

Cherelynn Baker

Comment the ONE film that changed your life!

In honor of my lucky May 13th birthday - name the ONE film that changed your life, & made you want to make films!

I'll go first...Star Wars !




Maurice Vaughan

"Harriet the Spy." I think I started wanting to write after I saw that movie.

Rod Burke

Happy Birthday!!! American History X....for me it was a very powerful movie

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Birthday, Cherelynn Baker! I missed that in the post. Sorry.

Abdur Mohammed

Happy Birthday Cherelynn Baker. I will admit, my life altering title is The Empire Strikes Back...which I saw before Star Wars.

Erika Simonian

Happy birthday! I hope the year brings all you desire. I'm gonna go with My Life As a Dog - tho I haven't yet attempted such a feat :)

Tony Pham

Happy Birthday Cherelynn Baker. This may seem silly, but I would say the 1st Spiderman movie with Tobey Maguire!

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Blade Runner.

Shellie Schmals

Happy Birthday Cherelynn!! Welcome to the Dollhouse was the first film where I understood what it meant to be an indie. Also, all those Dawn Wiener feels!!

Dan MaxXx

Cinema Paradiso

Carina S. Burns

Happy Birthday, Cherelynn!

Carina S. Burns

I’m having difficulty writing full comments, Cherelynn, Lawrence of Arabia

Sam Sokolow

Cinema Paradiso here too. Seeing that film changed my life and set me on a creative path in life. Happy Birthday!!

Doug Nelson

There were lots - some for their gut-retching themes, some for their comedy, some for their artistry vision, some for character development strengths - basically lots,

Lisa Lee

Happy Belated Birthday!!

Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire. There are definitely other movies that inspired me, like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, but that was the first time I decided that I wanted a career in making movies.

Kiril Maksimoski

Many left impression and had me reference them in real life, but can't say any film drove me to screenwriting in particular...I think it was the format/content possibilities in this specific written form. I guess I'm saying I do not necessarily need to see the move of the script I've read...

Karen "Kay" Ross

Happy Birthday, my friend! Ooo, I should have known you were a Taurus! We earth signs tend to jive ;-)

I remember watching Joss Whedon's "Serenity" after watching the TV show "Firefly" about three times all the way through, including commentary, only about 4 weeks before that (for the first time - I was late to the party) - and I bawled like a family member died. But it was actually the speech that Shepard gives Mal about "I don't care what you believe, just believe". And it really made me think - there are so many people trying to say something, but I truly believe I have something to say.

Thanks for the prompt! I hope you had a lovely Bday!

Cherelynn Baker

...and I"m back from the Florida Keys! Took a birthday trip and now I'm here for the shindiggery. Thank YOU SO much for the birthday wishes and sharing the film that started it all for you!

Roseline Effanga

I would say Avengers did it for me.

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