Introduce Yourself : Lovely to meet you all! by Robert Macfarlane

Robert Macfarlane

Lovely to meet you all!

Hi Everyone,

I am a narrative director and presenter of The Director Toolbox

I am currently on the hunt for a feature script to bring to my producers for my debut feature film.

I also present a YouTube channel where I explore the best directing techniques in film and TV here:

The Director Toolbox
The Director Toolbox
Filmmaking challenges. Some of my favourite film essentials
Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Robert Macfarlane. Hope your week's going great so far. What feature script genre(s) are you hunting for?

Robert Macfarlane

Hi Maurice Vaughan looking for horror and or mystery scripts, can be hybrid genre with an interesting philosophical question.

Steve Captain

I see you are in England - are you seeking script based there, Europe, or US? And what is your budget?

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for letting me know, Robert Macfarlane. I'll send you a message.

Sandra Ray

Lovely to meet you as well!

Very nice video on using flashbacks. I have gotten very insightful advice from the stage 32 team on using flashbacks. At this moment, flashbacks have become my nemesis. I have written a sci-fi script that uses flashbacks and dream sequences to reveal bits of information and to fill in a 20-year gap. I am trying to gather all the information I can on using flashbacks or not using them ... :) I feel there is a major rewrite in my future. I would love to hear more about how you would use flashbacks and or dream sequences.

Maurice Vaughan

This article might help you write flashbacks, Sandra Ray: "How to Write a Flashback in a Script — Techniques & Format"

Rama Rengan

cool channel

Robert Macfarlane

Sandra Ray I personally feel flashbacks have a stigma attached hence why I think Jordan Peele's Nope is such an interesting case study on how to use them in a new way. I analysed it here:

Robert Macfarlane

Thank you Rama, glad you like!

Sandra Ray

Thank you, Robert. Your YouTube channel is very informative and fun.

Sandra Ray

Thank you, Maurice. I will check that out.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sandra Ray.

William Schumpert

Welcome! I’ve written a few scripts if you’re interested in collaborating.

Michael Leo Witt

Good stuff, Robert. Thank you.

Lillian Saraiealdeen

hello I checked your youtube channel, and it's really good keep the good work up...

looking forward to learning more from your content.

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