Introduce Yourself : I'm ready to drop the mic... by Aaron Wiggins

Aaron Wiggins

I'm ready to drop the mic...

13 humble years in the film industry. I'm ready to drop the mic... Thank you for the bonding and much respect to all my fellow journeymen. I'm a director, producer, actor and writer. I've entered a couple of my pilots recently into writing competitions. Now I'm using Stage 32 for the writing coverage and pitch session opportunities. I'm looking to connect with fellow producers, script consultants and writers who are straight shooters and can help individuals grow into multidimensional teammates.

Bill Albert

Good luck, Aaron. Hope things really work out for you.

Ishmael Amman

Aaron Wiggins Welcome Aaron. Let's Connect. I have a role and project you might find interesting.

Matthew Gross

I'm new to Stage32 as well. Joined a couple days ago. Sounds like you have quite a few exciting projects simmering.

Steve Captain

Welcome to Stage 32, great introduction.

Vikki Harris

Welcome Aaron Wiggins.

Tyneckia Lewis

Love the focus. Welcome Aaron Wiggins

Matthew Parvin

Welcome, Aaron! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Derek C. Block

Hey Aaron, I truly enjoy helping writers craft better loglines. Feel free to hit me up.

Sam Mannetti

Welcome Aaron! Glad to hear you are checking out the pitch sessions and writing coverage. Have you thought about getting personalized feedback and direction from a working industry executive? Robbie Combs would be a great choice, he's worked on the JASON BOURNE-franchise AND the spin-off series TREADSTONE. Let me know how it goes!

James Welday

Aaron Wiggins welcome! I'd be happy to help in any way possible.

Sille Larsen

Hi Aaron, welcome to stage32, I hope you will enjoy your new journey here! - And wow 13 years!! incredible! Best of luck with your competitions you will nail it!



Shellie Schmals

Hi Aaron Wiggins - so nice to meet you! Any news yet from your contests? Let's cheer you on!!

Debbie Croysdale

Hi@Aaron I love your expression "Multi Dimensional Teammates." Enjoy the site!

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Aaron Wiggins. I'm Maurice, fellow straight shooter. :)

The Script Coverage and Pitch Sessions on here are incredible! They've really helped me out on my projects.

"TESTED" sounds like it's going to be an exciting/inspiring show. I think the logline needs some work. I can help you with it if you want.

Hope you win the competitions!

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